Day of Fasting & Prayer - Apr 2022

Who is Jesus?

There is a difference between knowing about a lot of people and knowing them personally. Social psychology says that actually knowing someone requires personal and private knowledge that comes from being with someone over time and building up a level of trust so that they let them in. Knowing about someone is just the first step toward actually knowing them.

It’s the same way with God. Thankfully, God has gone to great lengths to make himself known to us. He does this through nature, personal spiritual interactions and ultimately the revelation of himself through his son, Jesus Christ.

While there was no clearer way that Jesus could have said “I am Jehovah God,” he did not stop there. Instead, he continued to dive even deeper into revealing his nature and character by working purposeful miracles and making the following seven descriptive statements about himself, each with real implications for humanity:

  1. I am the Bread of Life: Jesus alone can sustain us, who are but starving beggars looking for food (John 6).

  2. I am the Light of the World: Jesus is the original and eternal source of light in the universe for us who are spiritually blind by birth (John 8).

  3. I am the Gate of the Sheepfold: Jesus is the only door to life for us who are lost outside God’s will (John 10).

  4. I am the Good Shepherd: Jesus knows and cares for us who are orphaned, wandering sheep, without a shepherd (John 10).

  5. I am the Resurrection and the Life: Jesus is the key to escaping spiritual death for us who are hopelessly doomed to death because of our sin (John 11).

  6. I am the Way, Truth, and Life: Jesus is the accessible path, the illuminating truth, and the giver of life for us who are lost, ignorant, and dead without Him (John 14).

  7. I am the True Vine: Jesus is the source of eternal life for us who are dead and useless branches apart from him (John 15).

Knowing and exploring these I am statements of Jesus will lead us from just knowing about Jesus and into a deeper relationship of knowing him personally. Let’s pray into these I am statements this month as we remember the one who came to give his life for us on the cross. Let’s also believe that many people will come to Christ this Easter season and all of us will develop a deeper relationship with him through the I am statements of Jesus.

Prayer Points

Scriptures: Matthew 1:21; John 6:26-35; 8:12; 10:1-15; 11:20-26; 14:6; 15:1-8

  • Thank God that you are alive to partake in this month’s fasting program.

  • 1 John 1:9 - Confess any known and unknown sins.

  • Psalm 50:23 – Father accept my praise for all that You have done in this first quarter of 2022. (praise Him fervently)

  • Matthew 1:21 – Jesus, You are the Saviour of the world, save us from our sins, chaos and anarchy.

  • John 6:27 – Jesus, because You are destined, approved by God to give humanity the food of eternal life (that never spoils), let me and my household daily enjoy the life You give. (pray this fervently)

  • John 6:27 – Jesus, because You have the seal of approval from the Father to give the bread of life, let the PPT households and the universal church enjoy this life in this time and space. (pray this seriously)

  • John 6:34&35 – Jesus the Bread of Life satisfy me, my household, PPT and the church daily. (physically and spiritually)

  • John 8:12 – Jesus, Light of the world light my world for me. (my household, PPT and the church)

  • John 8:12 – Jesus, Light of the world, by Your life-given light change my destiny in the following areas … (mention them)

  • John 10:9 – Jesus, You are the gateway to a fulfilled life; open my pathway to a fulfilled life in this season. (pray this seriously)

  • John 10:11 – Jesus, the good shepherd, direct, lead and guide me, my household, PPT and the church as we navigate through the seasons of life.

  • John 11:26 – Jesus, You are the Resurrection and Life, resurrect the following situations (mention them) and give life to them (mention them) – pray this fervently.

  • John 14:6 – Father, use the current situation in the world to point the nations to Jesus who is the way, the truth and life. Oh Lord, cause the nations to look up to Jesus for peaceful solutions. (pray this fervently)

  • John 15:5 – Jesus, You are the vine and the church are the branches. When we live in union with You our lives stream with fruitfulness and power. Keep us plugged and stayed in You Oh Lord. (pray this fervently)

  • Jehovah Nissi, uproot and crush the spirit of Goliath that has been released upon the nations. Stall the advancement of the aggressors of Ukraine. Confuse their military and thwart their efforts. Release the spirit that was upon David upon the Ukrainians. (pray this fervently)

  • Pray for the persecuted Christians in world today.

Prayer Declaration

Jesus, you are the Son of God, and Son of Man. You are the Saviour of the world; deliver me from sin, sickness, pain, fear, despair, lack, unfruitfulness, and hopelessness. Jesus, you are the Resurrection and the Life. Resurrect and give life to every dead situation in and around my life. Resurrect and give life to every dead situation in the households of PPT and the church. I affirm that Jesus is the way, the truth, and life. Jesus, light of the world, light my world with your life-given light. Jesus our Redeemer, change the destinies of PPT households and the universal church by your life-given light. You are the gateway to life; Jesus, I choose you as the gateway to my affairs. PPT households and the church choose you as the gateway to their affairs. Therefore, I affirm and declare that I will experience life, freedom, and satisfaction in this season and the devil will not deprive me of that, in Jesus’ mighty name. Jesus the good shepherd, shepherd my life and soul until my last breath, and so shall it be.

Upper Room Prayer at 8:00 pm Friday
 647-977-2648 (Canada) / 202-602-1295 (USA)
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