Read: Luke 4:1-4
How intriguing that the adversary of God wants to tempt Jesus to get some food during the fasting period. You have reached day 6 and probably you have already experienced some situations where you were tempted to break the fast. (When I fast, I often get the most amazing food invitations. Suddenly people are baking cakes or biscuits and offering me the most delicious things). No wonder: fasting has spiritual intense power and you have an enemy who will do anything to stop you from fasting. Jesus' response to this temptation was to know that He lives by the Word of God.
Have you ever considered that the Word of God is like food to you?
When we abstain from food for God, there is always the question of what we do instead. It is this "instead" that makes your fast a spiritual fast. Otherwise, what we do would be nothing more than a diet.
Have you ever thought of binging on the Word of God while fasting?
The Word of God is repeatedly compared to food throughout the Bible. The Bible asks us to meditate on the Word of God, to mull it over.
Read: Joshua 1:8
The Hebrew word for meditating on God's Word is "hâgâh". This word means to murmur, ponder, sigh, imagine, study, or vocalize. Many compare the process of meditating to human chewing or even to the chewing of a cow, in which the animal regurgitates its cud.
God tells Joshua to have the word of God constantly in his mouth. Imagine taking a Bible passage and chewing it in your mouth like delicious food. Say it, repeat it in your mind, bring it up again and again throughout the day. Imagine how this word strengthens you and fills you up like food fills your body.
Jesus, thank you for your Word. You yourself are the living Word of God. Thank you for the promise that the Word of God will satisfy me. I ask that today and in days to come I may learn and experience more and more to receive your Word into me like food.
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Take a Bible verse that appeals to you or one that you may not like that much. First, write it down and take time doing it. What happens with the words? Do you want to dig deeper into the context? Then, find a concordance (Bible Lexicon) or talk about it with others.
Maybe you can also enjoy being creative by making a painting of the words of this Bible verse. Let yourself be inspired in which way you might let God's word melt as food on your "tongue" today.
Prayer Points
Thank the Lord for allowing you to participate in this year’s 21 days of prayer and fasting.
1 John 1:9 – Confess any known and unknown sins.
Praise the Lord for bringing you and your household into the year 2023.
1 Kings 18:46 – Continue to ask God for special grace and strength to sustain and keep you during this fasting season.
Matt 6:17 – Father in Heaven, thank You for promising that You will reward my fasting. (praise Him)
Luke 4:1 – Father, fill me and all the participants daily with the Holy Spirit. (pray this earnestly)
Luke 4:1 – Lord like Mary, spread Your shadow of power from the Holy Spirit over me and every participant of this fast.
Luke 4:2 – I declare and decree that I and all the participants will not succumb to the devil and his agenda during this fasting season in Jesus’ name. (pray this earnestly)
Luke 4:4 – Father give us (me and all participants) insight into Your word during this fast and beyond.
Psalm 119:11 – Lord, help me to hide Your word in my heart like a treasure to keep me from sinning. (pray this earnestly)
Psalm 119:11 – Adonai, help PPT and the church to hide the word as a treasure in their hearts so that holiness unto the Lord will be our goal always. (pray this earnestly)
Joshua 1:8 – Jehovah, give us the grace (myself, all participants & PPT) to study Your word diligently during this fast and beyond. (pray this earnestly)
Joshua 1:8 – Jehovah, give us the grace (myself, all participants & PPT) to meditate on Your word day and night during this fast and beyond. (pray this earnestly)
Joshua 1:8 – Jehovah, give us the grace (myself, all participants & PPT) to obey Your word to the letter during this fast and beyond. (pray this earnestly)
Joshua 1:8 – I declare and decree that I will prosper and succeed in all I do according to God’s word as I diligently study the word, meditate daily and obey the word wholly. (pray this earnestly)
Pray for the PPT missionaries and the persecuted church.
Pray about 4 things you would want God to do for you during this 21-day fast.
Prayer Declaration
If it had not been you, Jehovah Ebenezer, our helper on my side, where would I be? Your grace and mercy brought me through 2022 and now I have seen 2023. Father, I am thankful and appreciate all that You have done for me, my household, PPT households and the church.
Oh Lord, as we wait on you through intense prayers and fasting this month, let me, my household, and PPT experience “open heavens” creating spiritual opportunities resulting in having dominion over our lives (health, career, relationships, and finances).
I declare and decree that every spiritual valley in and around my life will be filled with an overflow of Jehovah’s blessings. I declare and decree that every spiritual mountain and hill in my way, in my family’s way, in PPT households’ way will be brought low in Jesus’ name.
I declare and decree that every spiritual crooked place in and around my life will be made straight by your power. I declare and decree that every spiritual rough way in my pathway, in my family’s pathway, PPT households’ pathway and the church’s pathway will be smooth.
I affirm that the zeal of the Lord will accomplish this. So shall it be.
Group prayer at 8:00 pm tonight.
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