Day 7 - 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer


Read: Esther 4:15-17

The fasting of the entire people changes the evil plan of destruction against the Jews.

The people fasted for their queen (leader) to make a difference in the spiritual dimension.

Imagine if we as a whole church fasted together and thereby experienced how our fasting changed history? Isn’t the very thought itself fascinating?

Immediately following this fast in the Book of Esther, amazing things happen. Esther goes to the king with death-defying courage that could cost her her life. But she finds extraordinary favor with the king, who promises to grant her every wish.

The following night, the king cannot sleep, begins to leaf through old history books, and by “chance” comes across important information that changes the course of history.

In the end, the entire nation of Israel is saved from the evil Haman’s horrific plans of destruction.

In which areas would you like fasting with your group and/or family to make a difference? Is there a specific issue where you need a breakthrough?

Bring this to Jesus together in prayer and consider how during this Fast you can establish common fasting and prayer moments for this important concern.

Prayer, Get Free & Next Step

Think about a first specific step today. For example, mark a date in your calendar for a first meeting so that you can take the first step together. And don’t forget to write down the topics for which you pray together. Maybe you can already put a reminder in your calendar 6 months from now to look back at what you prayed for and what has happened since then.

Prayer Points

  • Thank the Lord for allowing you to participate in this year’s 21 days of prayer and fasting.

  • 1 John 1:9 – Confess any known and unknown sins.

  • Praise the Lord for bringing you and your household into the year 2023.

  • 1 Kings 18:46 – Continue to ask God for special grace and strength to sustain and keep you during this fasting season.

  • Matt 6:17 – Father in Heaven, thank You for promising that You will reward my fasting. (praise Him)

  • Esther 4:16 – Lord, break every stronghold (mention them) upon me and my household during this 21-day fast. (pray earnestly)

  • Esther 4:16 – Lord, break every stronghold upon PPT households in Jesus name.

  • Esther 4:16 – Lord, disrupt any enemy conspiracies against my career, relationships, well-being (health), progress and family. (pray earnestly)

  • Esther 4:16 – Father, disrupt any enemy conspiracies against the church at large.

  • Esther 4:16 – Jesus, release a spirit of tenacity and boldness upon me and all the participants of this fast to fight every Haman and the spirit that operates in them. (pray earnestly)

  • Esther 4:16 – Lord like Esther change the protocols for my sake in the following areas …. (mention them)

  • Job 5:12 – Father in Jesus name, frustrate the plans of every schemer (mention them) sent by the devil. I decree that they will be unsuccessful.

  • Ezra 8:23 -  O God our Father, as we come to You with our prayers, thanksgiving and supplication, we make demands based on Your word to hear us.

  • I declare and decree that every spiritual mountain and hill in my way, in my family’s way, in PPT households’ way will be brought low in Jesus’ name. (pray earnestly)

  • Pray for the PPT missionaries and the persecuted church.

  • Pray about 4 things you would want God to do for you during this 21-day fast.

Prayer Declaration

If it had not been you, Jehovah Ebenezer, our helper on my side, where would I be? Your grace and mercy brought me through 2022 and now I have seen 2023. Father, I am thankful and appreciate all that You have done for me, my household, PPT households and the church.

Oh Lord, as we wait on you through intense prayers and fasting this month, let me, my household, and PPT experience “open heavens” creating spiritual opportunities resulting in having dominion over our lives (health, career, relationships, and finances).

I declare and decree that every spiritual valley in and around my life will be filled with an overflow of Jehovah’s blessings. I declare and decree that every spiritual mountain and hill in my way, in my family’s way, in PPT households’ way will be brought low in Jesus’ name.

I declare and decree that every spiritual crooked place in and around my life will be made straight by your power. I declare and decree that every spiritual rough way in my pathway, in my family’s pathway, PPT households’ pathway and the church’s pathway will be smooth.

I affirm that the zeal of the Lord will accomplish this. So shall it be.

Pastor's Chat at 8:00 pm tonight.
