Read: Habakkuk 1:1, Psalm 85:6a; Judges 6:1-16; Joshua 14:10-12
Psalm 85:6a asks a question, “Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You? The sons of Korah wrote this Psalm and asked this question in verse 6 in a time when the people of Israel were suffering much distress. We see from Israel’s history that much of their distresses come from their disobedience to the voice of the Lord (Judges 6:10b). They had established a pattern of serving God for a while, then lapsing into disobedience and sin. God would then hand them over to nations to deal with their sin. They would cry out to God, and in His mercy, He would deliver them. This pattern went on for a while in Israel’s history. In this Psalm the sons of Korah asked the question, “will You not revive us again?” This word again proves that they experienced revival before! Therefore, the passionate cry in this prayer from the sons of Karah is “Will You not revive us again?” In other words “do it again Lord, do it again!” the Lord revived that nation before, He was able to do it again!
There was a burden that rested on these sons of Korah for the revival of their people. They wanted their people to be relieved of their suffering and distress. Why? “That Your people may rejoice in You? (Ps 85: 6b) They had a burden to see their people revived and rejoicing in the God of their deliverance!
We see through the scriptures others who had a similar burden for revival. In Judges 1:1-16, Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. Therefore, the Lord delivered them into the oppression of the Midianites and Amalekites. Israel become “greatly impoverished.” Therefore, God raised up a man by the name of Gideon to save Israel. The Lord called him a “mighty man of valor.” (Jud. 1:12) Gideon was passionate about the oppression of his people by the Midianites – He had a burden for them to be delivered! His tribe was the weakest in Manasseh, and he was the least of his father’s house. Yet, God saw something in Him and told him this: “surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the Midiantes as one man.”
Caleb was also another person who had a fire in his belly for God. The children of Israel had reached the new land of Canaan for settlement. This land was now being distributed to them by Joshua and his leaders. However, not all of the land was easily settled. There were enemies that had to be driven out. Let me paraphrase what Caleb said. “Moses, I was forty years old when you sent me to spy out Kadesh. My comrades caused the people’s heart to melt from fear. ‘But I wholly followed the Lord.’ The Lord has kept me alive all these years. I am now 85 years old. Forty-five years later and I am still as strong as the day that Moses sent me out. Now let me have my inheritance. Give me this mountain…The Anakim (enemies) are there…but the Lord will be with me…and I shall drive them out.” (Josh. 14:10-12) There was no backing down with Caleb. The Lord was with him before. He was confident that the Lord would be with him again!
I believe God is calling all of us to have a burden/cry in our hearts for revival. That cry should cause us to look at ourselves not others. My wife recorded a song years ago – “Oh Lord send revival, start the work in me.” Start with me Lord! The sons of Korah prayed for the Lord to revive the nation under persecution, Habakkuk had a burden for the violence and injustice that He saw around him, therefore, he cried out to God. Gideon the mighty man of valor, was called to save his people, and Caleb had an unshakeable confidence in God who has kept him through the years. His God would help him to take the land.
Let our heart cry be “Lord use me to revive your church, our homes, and our community.” Let us press into him with a desire for revival like the sons of Korah. Like Habakkuk, let us run to and cry out to Him burdened for change in what we see around us – the brokenness, the despair, hopelessness. Like Gideon, let us listen and obey God’s call to be “used” to bring His healing to the hurting. And like Caleb, let us have full confidence that our God will never fail. He will be with us as we submit our lives to Him in obedience and trust – Having the confidence that He will use us in powerful ways to revive His church.
God bless you,
Pastor Wayne Russell
Prayer Points
Thank God that you are alive to partake in this year’s fasting program.
1 John 1:9 - Confess any known and unknown sins.
Bring sincere repentance unto the Lord regarding any hidden sin that may hinder the move of God during and after this 21-day prayer and fasting
Decree that no plan of the enemy shall hinder you in this 21-day fasting program.
Psalm 85:6 – Lord God Almighty revive me both spiritual and physically this year and decade in Jesus’ name.
Judges 6:14 - God of Gideon let me rise to the challenge for personal revival (spiritual and physical) this year in Jesus’ name.
Judges 6:14 - God of Gideon, let there be a revival/change in my:
Spiritual life (Prayer life, study of the word, contribution towards ministry)
God of Gideon, let there be a revival in our church for this year and the decade ahead. (pray this seriously)
Joshua 14:11 – Jehovah Ebenezer, like Caleb, I am walking out of the door of excuses this year in Jesus’ name.
Joshua 14:11 - Jehovah Ebenezer, like Caleb, let PPT walk out of the door of excuses for complacency in Jesus’ name.
Lord, turn my weaknesses into strength this year in Jesus’ name. (mention the areas)
God of Mercy, for 2020, use my weaknesses to move me forward in every area of my life in Jesus’ name. (mention the areas)
Unleash your power for revival upon myself, household and PPT in Jesus’ name. (mention the areas)
Like Gideon let me triumph over my obstacles to personal revival. (spiritual and physical)
God of Gideon, let our church triumph over any obstacle(s) to a church wide revival. (spiritual and physical)
2 Kings 4:35 - Lord revive me. (pray this seriously)
Lord, revive my household. (pray this seriously)
Lord, revive our church. (pray this seriously)
Join the Prayer Conference Call at 8:00 pm this evening.
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