Life’s Healing Choices

Life’s Healing Choices

Greetings PPT Family, we had a wonderful time away on our first cruise celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. Unfortunately, we both caught a serious case of the cold/flu virus. We are on the road to recovery and so appreciate your prayers for us. It is good to be home and we have missed you all so very much!

Are you ready to experience healing in your life? Join us this Sunday for a powerful and transformative message titled “Life’s Healing Choices”. No matter where you are in your journey, God is offering you a chance to embrace true healing—spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  Don’t miss this opportunity to make the healing choices that can change your life this year. Bring a friend, and come ready to experience God’s life-changing touch!  We look forward to seeing you this coming Sunday!

If you have not yet joined us in reading through the Bible this year, we hope you will do so because its never to late to start.  You have to register for each month’s reading plan. Here is the link

Teen Challenge Testimonies

Psalm 34:11 says” You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy.”

I am so thankful for the redeeming power of the gospel to change morning into dancing. We live in a world today, where so many are trapped in lifestyles and circumstances that produce nothing but pain and misery. But, I’m so thankful for the gospel message that is the power of God to liberate and change lives.

We invite you to join us this Sunday morning. We have some very special guest with us from Teen Challenge. They will be sharing powerful testimonies of how God has turned their mourning into dancing..

We look forward to a wonderful time in the presence of the Lord as we worship and hear what the power of the Gospel can do.

We look forward to seeing you In God’s house.

Many Blessings.,

The Times We Are In

We are certainly living in times of unprecedented challenges, changes and developments. How are we to keep up with all that is taking place? Disagreements taking place in society and families because of thoughts, opinions and viewpoints are causing so much division. Is this the way Jesus meant for us to live? Were we meant to be in constant conflict with each other or did Jesus call us to peace?

Please join us this Sunday as we see how the word of God calls out the ills affecting our society  and calls us to the One who is the only hope for what is facing us today. 

I will be bringing a message entitled "The Times We Are In." We look forward to the great presence of the Lord as we worship together, have a time of communion and hear His preached word.

See you Sunday!

Many Blessings

Treasure in Fragile Vessels / Jars of Clay

You have got treasure!

Treasure! We have all heard the word before. When we think of treasure we may wish we have a little bit more of it – People go on dangerous expeditions to hunt for lost treasures just to show how valuable it is. When we think of treasure we think of money, lots of it - wealth, something of great worth and value; a collection of precious things, such as jewelries in gold or diamonds and precious metals- we all agree that these are valuable and expensive commodities.

Most people who have accumulated treasure, do whatever they can to protect and keep their wealth safe; they will put their wealth in very secure places such as vaults or in safety deposit boxes.

Well, in our message text for Sunday, 2 Corinthians 4: 7, Paul tells us that God has placed a treasure in vessels of clay, yes, that’s right, Jars of Clay. We all know what Jars of clay are; They are fragile, breakable and inexpensive containers. What’s up with that?

Come on Sunday to find out what is this treasure, who are these Jars of clay, why did God do such a thing, and how does this relate and impact our Christian experience.

Pressing On To Victory

Pressing On To Victory

This Sunday we will be completing our 21 Day Fasting and Prayer journey with a powerful anointing Service. We want you to do two things to prepare. First, complete a Connect Prayer Card by writing down 3-4 prayer requests you have for this year and put it on the Communion table. Secondly, bring a bottle of anointing oil with you to service. We will be praying over these prayer request and you and your bottle of oil. We want to release you to go home and anoint you children, your home, your possessions throughout the year asking for God’s blessing, favour and protection.

As we continue into move into this new year, lets keep moving forward. Let’s continue to press into God and press on to the victory that God has in store for us!

Members, please note the deadline for board nominations is this Sunday.

Please visit the Welcome Centre to complete a ballot by 12:30 pm.

Keep Moving Forward : Taking Ground

Keep Moving Forward : Taking Ground

Our focus for our final week in our 21 Day Fasting and Prayer journey is on ‘Taking Ground’, where we take bold steps forward and experience victory in different areas of our lives.

Even when everything around us seems to come to a standstill, God’s desire is not that we shrink back or remain passive.  Rather, His desire is that we continue to advance and more forward, taking new territory and stepping into the plans and purposes that He has for us in this season.  God is constantly doing a new thing in our lives, and we need to recognize what He is doing, and submit wholeheartedly to His leading.

This week, allow God to reveal truths to you, change your perspective and position you to step forward! (from ‘Forward’ – 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer – Bible App)

Join us this Sunday for the message, ‘Taking Ground’.  

Members, please note that board nominations are now being received.
Please visit the Welcome Centre to complete a ballot.

Keep Moving Forward : Being Led By Holy Spirit

Keep Moving Forward : Being Led By Holy Spirit

The second week’s focus during our 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer is about Being Led by the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised us that He would send the Holy Spirit into our lives as our helper, comforter and guide. To step forward into God’s plans and purposes for our lives, we need to develop a growing reliance on the Holy Spirit. It begins by first getting to know Him, learning to discern His voice, and are rely on Him to lead us. When we do so we become empowered to fulfill our God-given purpose in our lives.  Learn all about in this Sunday’s service and as we celebrate communion together.

Members, please note that board nominations are now being received.
Please visit the Welcome Centre to complete a ballot. 

Keep Moving Forward

Keep Moving Forward

We wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!  

We are beginning this new year with the theme, ‘Keep Moving Forward’.

Don’t let life hold you back … your breakthrough is ahead!

Life’s challenges may have you feeling stuck, but there is always hope for those who keep moving forward!  Join us for an inspiring message that will reignite your faith, empower your spirit and remind you that no setback to too great to overcome.

Let’s break free from the past, find strength in God’s promises, and embrace the journey ahead with courage, moving toward our purpose with renewed focus.

Let’s keep moving forward because the future is brighter than you think!

Keep Moving Forward is the theme this year’s 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer starting next Monday.  If you wish to participate and receive the daily emails that include the devotional, prayer points and weekly declarations, you need to subscribe for them at

Please note 2025 board nominations open this coming Sunday.  Details are at the Welcome Centre.  Members will also receive an email next week with further details.

On behalf of all of our pastoral and office staff, we want to say a very big thank you for all of your expressions of love over the Christmas season.  You certainly blessed our hearts and count it another example of the great privilege and joy it is to be part of this PPT family!

The Return Of The King

The Return Of The King

We hope you had a blessed Christmas and are enjoying this holiday season celebrating the birth of our Jesus Christ. Jesus who came as a humble baby as our Saviour, will return as a triumphant King. In a world filled with uncertainty, the return of Jesus Christ is our greatest hope and assurance that will bring justice, peace and everlasting joy. Join us this weekend for a powerful message, ‘The Return of The King’.  

As this year comes to a close, thank you for your faithful giving to support the work of the ministry through PPT.  Please note that this coming Sunday’s Worship Service and our New Year’s Eve Celebration Service will be the final opportunities for you to give in 2024.

A Home For The King

A Home For The King

This Christmas, Make Room for the King!
Everyone loves the idea of being home for the holidays.
The reality is, Jesus as called various places ‘home’ in his past. But where does He live now? What place does He call ‘home’ and what difference does it make?  Join us this coming Sunday, as we dive into a powerful message entitled, ‘A Home For The King’.  As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we will explore where Jesus really wants to call His place ‘home’.  Be sure to bring a friend to celebrate with you this Christmas Sunday at PPT.  We look forward to seeing you there!


We welcome you to join Pastors Barry & Debbie as they bring Christmas greetings and share a special Christmas message with our PPT family from their home.

Let Earth Receive Her King

Let Earth Receive Her King

This holiday season, let your heart be filled with the joy and wonder of a spectacular Christmas musical —"Let Earth Receive Her King" this coming Sunday!  It’s a soul-stirring celebration of the reason for the season. Join us in worship with gospel artists Jennifer Lewin and Tanya Hunte, the dynamic sax duo of Mills & Hunte, and our very own 90-voice multigenerational Christmas choir!

You will witness the miracle of the season—an unforgettable retelling of the birth of Jesus our Savior, brought to life in song. From the very first note, you'll be swept away into a world of faith, hope and love.  Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of a holiday experience that will warm your heart and leave you inspired. 

Gather your loved ones and invite your friends to join you too. Come early to get a good seat.  Sanctuary doors will open at 10am.  It’s going to be glorious so be sure to join us in making this Christmas unforgettable!

To all our prayer partners, please note there will be no pre-service prayer this Sunday as the room will be in use for the performance.

Also a friendly reminder that we are on Christmas break on Wednesday nights.

Our Worship & Prayer Services will resume Wed. January 8, 7pm.

A King Like No Other

A King Like No Other

This Sunday morning, join us for a powerful message on the kingship of Jesus—a King like no other! In a world where kings, leaders, and rulers come and go, Jesus stands apart. His reign is unlike any earthly monarch. He didn’t come to take power, but to give His life for those He loves. He didn’t rule through force, but through love, sacrifice, and humility.

Whether you're new to faith or have been walking with Jesus for years, this message will deepen your understanding of His unmatched greatness and what it means to live as citizens of His eternal Kingdom. Come with an open heart, ready to be inspired by the King who loved us so much He gave His life. Don’t miss out on this incredible revelation of the King who is, and always will be, like no other. We will be sharing Communion together too!

This Sunday evening’s Pastor’s Chat will be a teaching about being, ‘Desperate’.  When we find ourselves in places of desperation, nothing but the presence of God will satisfy. Learn how being desperate for God’s thoughts, truth, justice and blessing affects our lives and others.

Christmas Season Has Arrived!

Christmas Season Has Arrived!

We invite you to join us this Sunday as we begin a series of Christmas messages.
We will share a powerful and inspiring message titled, "The Promise of a King."
In this message, we'll dive into the rich prophecy and promise of a King sent by God to redeem His people. From the ancient words of the Old Testament to the fulfillment of those promises in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, we will explore how Jesus is not only the King who reigns but the Savior who was promised long ago.

Whether you are seeking answers, needing encouragement, or looking for a deeper understanding of God's great plan for humanity, this message will inspire and strengthen your faith. Come and hear how Jesus, the King of Kings, is the hope of the world and the fulfillment of God's eternal promise!  Invite someone to join you too!

Breaking Through Life's Breaking Points

Breaking Through Life’s Breaking Point

Feeling overwhelmed?  Life’s challenges can push us to our limits, leaving us feeling hopeless and drained. But in our weakest moments, God’s strength is made perfect.

Join us this Sunday as we discover how God uses life’s toughest pressures to deepen our trust in Him. Learn how even in despair, God’s power is at work, and how He can raise us up from the brink of giving up. You are not alone. Let’s find hope together, even in the hardest times.

The fourth Sunday of every month is Missions Sunday.  We will feature a brief testimony of the incredible work that Jordan is doing as one of our young global workers. So plan to give an offering for missions too.

Pastor’s Chat: ‘YOUR EXAMPLE’ – This Sunday, 8pm, Livestream
There is great power in being an example. It is not only inspirational but gives people a pattern to follow and learn from but most of all it can have a great influence on people.

Learn how to walk in wisdom that wins people simply by living as an example to others.  

God Is Not Intimidated

God Is Not Intimidated

We are living in times where it seems like intimidation is the order of the day. We can be intimidated by so many challenges and circumstances that we see and hear around us. However, we want you to know today that our "God is not intimidated" or limited by anything that is taking place. This coming Sunday we have a special guest speaker - Dr. Harrison Mungal.

Dr. Mungal will guide you through a profound study, revealing the timeless truth that God is never intimidated by our limitations or our dreams. His resources are boundless, ready to meet all our needs according to His abundant riches. In this message, you will come to understand that God is not discouraged by the boldness of our desires or the depth of our prayers—He encourages us to dream big and ask boldly, trusting in His limitless power and love. As you get into the Word, you’ll witness the transformative presence of God in the lives of His people throughout history. The same God who provided then, is still with us today, unchanging and faithful, inviting us to trust Him with all we are and all we hope to become.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday morning.  Please invite a friend and join us as we enjoy the presence of the Lord and dive into His word.

In our Sunday night's Pastor's Chat we will be looking at the five Ts of the Christian life. Looking forward to seeing you online as we explore these 5 aspects

The Power of the Onlys


We are living in days when many people are struggling to find their way in life.  There is so much confusion about what to believe and what, if anything is really true.  At the core of the Christian faith are five powerful truths that have shaped the history of the Church and continue to guide believers today. These truths, known as the Five Solas, capture the essence of the Christian life and faith. Discover the power of these ‘onlys’ in this Sunday’s message and let them become the foundation that shapes your life.  We will conclude with celebrating Communion together as a tangible expression of these truths.  Be sure to invite someone to join you in coming to church this Sunday!

In our Sunday night’s Pastor’s Chat we will talking about ‘Beauty’.
The serene ‘beauty of a holy life is the most powerful influence in the world. So where do you find holiness? … When do you become holy? … How do you become holy?  Join us as we answer these questions and encourage each other to aspire to holiness in our lives.

The Power of Love

The Power of Love

Love … it’s a word that is used so much in our lives but means many different things to people. Part of the reason is that there are several different kinds of love and their expression is also looks different.  Learn these different facets of love and what they look like in the message, “The Power of Love”. God’s love remains a beacon of hope and healing that can change our hearts, mend broken relationships and empower us to live with purpose and joy. Come ready to experience the depth of God’s love and leave inspired to reflect that love in your everyday life. Bring your friends and family, and let’s gather together to celebrate the incredible power of God’s love!

This is the weekend for time change, shoeboxes and prayer. Be sure to turn your clocks back one hour this Saturday night as Daylight Saving Time ends.  Also remember to bring your Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes this Sunday. Take them with you into service for a dedication prayer. Then following the service you can place them on the designated tables in the lobby as you leave. This Sunday is also the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Join online for a special event YouTube channel at 7:00 pm EST.

This Sunday night, our ‘Pastor’s Chat’ Topic is ‘How Can You Approach God?’. 

Can you even imagine that we have access into the very presence of God’s throne room? We can approach God, knowing He is loving and compassionate, through Jesus, our Great High Priest, and we with confidence. Join the conversation this Sunday, 8pm on our livestream.

The Power of Trust

The Power of Trust

Forgiveness can be excruciatingly hard. It can seem like one of the most unfair of all commands. But we must remember the one who is asking us to forgive. He is the Father of all compassion and the God of all comfort who understands what is best for us and knows the path to freedom and healing. But what is the role of trust in the issue of forgiveness? Dig a little deeper with us this Sunday’s message, the ‘Power of Trust’ and discover the crucial role it plays in reconciling relationships.

Please note the fourth Sunday of every month is Missions Sunday. We look forward to sharing a brief update and testimony on missions. We also invite you to give towards missions too.

This Sunday night, our ‘Pastor’s Chat’ Topic is ‘Challenging Contradictions’. It has often been said the Bible is full of apparent contradictions. We will look at three of them – Should you answer a fool or not … is Christianity boring or attractive? … are doubts incompatible with faith? Join the conversation this Sunday, 8pm on our livestream.

The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

Are you carrying the weight of resentment or hurt? Do you long to find freedom from those who have hurt you and find emotional healing to move on in your life? Join us this Sunday as we explore “The Power of Forgiveness” and what it unleashes in our lives. Discover how embracing forgiveness can unlock healing, freedom, and peace in your life. Please note this Sunday is also Pastor’s Appreciation Day at PPT.

Our ‘Pastor’s Chat’ Topic this Sunday night is ‘Hard Times’. We will discuss how hard times work as God’s training school in our lives. The importance of caring for those who are going through hard times. And finally, how to stay faithful to God in hard times.

Be sure to join us on our YouTube livestream, this Sunday, 8pm

The Power Of Thanksgiving

The Power Of Thanksgiving

It’s time to give thanks with a grateful heart for all that God has provided and done this year. The Thanksgiving holiday weekend has arrived and we are set to celebrate in two big ways at PPT this Sunday!  The epic adventure of the Kingdom Assignment comes to a conclusion and we will be celebrating all that God has done.  Learn what happened when some fifty people took up the challenge of putting into practice the truth taught in the Parable of the Talents by taking a  $100 bill and investing it for a ‘kingdom cause’ asking God to multiply it. You have heard some of the stories throughout the summer but wait until hear the accumulative total of what God did!   

Be sure to come ready to celebrate the goodness of God! 

Secondly, as an act of thanksgiving, we are asking everyone to bring a special Thanksgiving Harvest Offering that will go towards retiring our church mortgage.  You can use the specially designed envelopes in the lobby or just mark your regular envelope with the words ‘Thanksgiving’.  We will be receiving this separate offering at the end of the service, after Communion in a crescendo of praise and thanksgiving to God who provided it all to us. 

Note there will be no Pastor’s Chat this Sunday evening. Take this Thanksgiving holiday weekend to enjoy some additional family time together.