The Doors of Life 🚪

We walk through them everyday. Whether moving from room to room in our homes, or leaving to go to work or run daily errands in our community. Doors are entranceways the lead us from one experience to another. How many doors do you think you walk through in any given day? Give it a try sometime and count. It will amaze you.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday, when we commemorate Jesus triumphal entrance into the city of Jerusalem. He rode through a gate (door) into the city, thus marking a shift into his final week on earth and his ultimate purpose for coming.

In one of Jesus powerful I AM statements, he declares that he is the Door. The door to what? In that declaration, he brings a revelation to us of who he is, what he has come to do and where that will lead us in our lives. In this Sunday’s message, I am the Door, you will discover why Jesus Christ is the essential door to your real destiny, in this life and the one to come.

We look forward to you worshiping with us this Palm Sunday!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor