This weekend we commemorate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and His subsequent resurrection from the dead. Through His death on the cross, the price of our rebellion and sin against God was paid for in full. His resurrection provides the proof that He is the Son of God and is currently alive and will be forevermore!
Jesus declared, “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25) in one of his I am statements. We often think about his resurrection as an event, but more importantly the resurrection is all about a person—Jesus Christ. The concept of the eternal life he offers is often viewed as an abstract idea, when actually it is all about a personal relationship with him. Finally, when it comes to experiencing victory, it tends to be a future expectation of ours rather than a present reality.
We look forward to you worshiping with us this Resurrection Sunday as we celebrate that Jesus truly is alive!
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor