The Desire for Significance

As we step into this fall season, we are excited for the many opportunities we have to embrace community together as a church family. We invite you to take some time to explore our upcoming events and ministry gatherings… there's something for everyone!

We want to highlight several of our Life Groups which have just launched:

Alpha meets online Wednesday nights. It’s a 10-week program designed to lead non-Christians and new Christians into a discovery about the Christian faith. Explore Christianity and engage in great conversation.

The Discipleship group meets online Tuesday evenings and is a scripturally sound, proven, and practical course to aid individuals and leaders in making disciples. We are currently studying the book of Romans.

The Agape Prayer Life Group meets Thursday mornings on the Prayer Conference Call and allows believers to build stronger relationships with God and each other by gathering and praying for the needs of our church.

Adult Bible Study meets in person on Sundays before our Worship Service and strives to help you grow in the knowledge of God’s Word by providing a friendly space to enjoy fellowship with other believers and build a support network. We are currently studying the book of James.

This is just a sampling of all the Life Groups that we offer.

We look forward to gathering this weekend to worship the Lord and share Communion together around the message, The Desire For Significance. Discover the key to your true significance and why it is far beyond anyone’s ability to measure. We will also be welcoming several people into membership. It’s going to be great time, because we are truly better together!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor