Passion is what we can’t keep inside. It spills over and can’t be contained. We love our kids—we can’t help but talk about them. We love our favorite sports teams— we talk about them first thing Monday morning at the water cooler. Christians love God more than anything else—he should constantly be on the tips of our tongues. Our passion for the Lord should be evident to all those around us.
That passion should extend to a sincere concern for those who don’t know the Lord. The fate awaiting those dying without Christ should compel Christians to set off on a rescue mission—to bring our family, friends, neighbors and coworkers toward Christ before it’s too late. Learn more about this call in this Sunday’s message, The Rescue Mission.
Join us this Saturday at 9:30 am for our Ride To Thrive event. We will be either walking, riding a bike, or riding a motorcycle to help raise funds for children in crisis due to conflicts around the world in countries like the Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Yemen. Your participation and sponsorship will help children who suffer from lack of healthcare, education, food, and shelter as we work through our PAOC global workers, ERDO, and Mission Global. It will be followed by an outdoor BBQ at 12 pm. It’s going to be great time working together for this great cause!
Also, we are planning a special Thanksgiving Celebration Service with Communion. In preparation for this day, we would like you to share with us your testimony of thanksgiving to God for his faithfulness in your life over this past year. You can do so by either emailing us or by filling out the Praise Report section on the back of a Connect Card while you are in service over the next two Sundays. Just deposit them in the Tithes & Offerings boxes in the sanctuary. Together, let’s celebrate the goodness of God and give him all the glory, honour and praise!
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor