Trade your worries for worship

As we move into the month of October our thoughts turn to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and gathering with family and friends to celebrate. We invite you to join us for a special Thanksgiving Worship & Communion Service on Sunday, October 9. As part of that service, we want to share stories of God’s goodness and faithfulness with one another. So we invite you to participate, by emailing us your thanksgiving testimony, or by filling out the Praise Report section on the back of a Connect card while you are in service this Sunday (deposit them in the Tithes & Offerings boxes in the sanctuary). Together, let’s thank God and encourage one another!

It’s not only appropriate to give thanks to God but to also provide a tangible expression of our thanks by giving to others to need. This month, we are partnering together with Regeneration Ministries in Brampton to provide men in our city with much needed clothing this fall and winter. You will find bins located in the lobby where you can drop-off any type of men’s clothing you would be willing to donate. Thank you for helping provide this tangible expression of love and thanksgiving to God!

Whenever we’re facing uncertain times, we’re apt to be apprehensive. It’s what we do with our apprehension that matters. The more we trust God, the more naturally we’ll worship him. When we trust him with our problems, it enables our hearts to praise him more freely. Join us this Sunday as we learn about Trading My Worry For Worship and then practice this principle together in the service!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor