Do you ever feel that life is just too overwhelming, and you are tempted to give up? God has given us the tremendous tool of prayer for us to use in the journey of life to support and sustain us and to release the power of God in our situations. Through prayer we have access to God’s powerful presence and the opportunity to make our requests known before God.
Remember there is too much at stake to give up, even when the circumstances seem to be against you. The answer so often is just around the corner and through persistent prayer you will see a breakthrough. When we pray to God Almighty, we can be assured that he is working out the answer because Jesus always keeps his promises!
Join us this Sunday, as Pastor Wayne preaches about the call for us to Be Prayer Strong. We look forward to your presence with us this weekend!
We are now completing our second week in our 21 days of fasting and prayer. If you have not yet joined us, you are still welcome to do so. You can sign up to receive our daily devotionals, prayer points, and prayer declaration at
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor