God’s Highway of Love

For the past several weeks, we have been preparing the way—through fasting and prayer—for God to work in our lives, our families, and his church in this new year. This time of preparation is for the purpose of creating a pathway or ‘highway’ by which the presence and power of God can flow freely in us and through us to the world around us. This is called ministry.

But on God’s highway of ministry, we can grow weary. Weary of working in various ministries, whether it’s teaching children, working with youth and young adults, or maybe serving on the welcome team, worship team, or media ministry. You may even wonder if your financial support for the work of missions does any good.

So, what keeps you moving forward doing ministry in your life? Let it be one reason, “for the love of Christ compels us” (2 Corinthians 5:14). In this Sunday’s message, God’s Highway of Love, we will explore the motivating factor of the kingdom of God.

God so loved the world that he sent Jesus. And Jesus so loved the world that he sends us. The same love that compelled Christ to leave heaven and propelled him to earth also needs to compel and propel us. Because of God’s love for us, we are able to love others. By loving others as God loves us, we can point them to Christ and God’s marvelous gift of salvation. The highway for the presence and power of God flows on a highway of love. Learn all about this on Sunday as we gather to worship God together!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor