God has a highway or pathway upon which his power and presence moves. The foundation of that highway is love. The Bible declares God is love, meaning it’s the very essence and nature of his being. God so loved the world of people that he sent his son, Jesus, to earth to die for our sins and reconcile our relationship with God. Jesus so loves the world that he sends us. That same love compels and propels us to love others and point them to God’s marvellous gift of salvation! Check out last Sunday night’s Pastor’s Chat for the message about God’s Highway of Love as we kick-off this new series of messages.
On God’s highway, there are two guardrails that guide us: Grace and Truth. These guardrails keep us from veering off into a ditch of danger on either side. This Sunday, discover the role of grace and truth in keeping us flowing on the highway of God’s love, presence, and power!
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor