God has a highway or pathway upon which his power and presence moves in our lives and through his church. The foundation of that highway is his love for us. There are also two guardrails called grace and truth that keep us moving in the centre of that highway of his blessing. These guardrails keep us from veering off into the ditches of danger on either side—an emphasis on grace alone can dissipate into a shallow and sentimental foundation where justice and truth are discarded. A focus on truth alone can degrade into a cold, hardened dogmatic stance. The reality is grace and truth meld together in the gospel message and is displayed in the life and person of Jesus Christ.
There is another feature to this highway: holiness. What is holiness and what role does it play in keeping us flowing on the highway of God’s love, presence, and power? Find out this Sunday in the message, God’s Highway of Holiness.
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor