The Art of Overcoming

Do you feel like you are overcoming or being overcome in your journey in life?

We all will face traumatic experiences that can throw us into a state of shock and cause us to be gripped with grief and sadness or anger and frustration. It might be the loss of a job, or lifelong dream or even a loved one. What do we do now? Sometimes in the midst of those circumstances we can feel completely alone or so paralyzed with fear that we cannot move forward. What do you do next?

The Bible declares that as believers we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ.

That in all things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loved us. (Romans 8:37)

How do we achieve that victory in our lives? What’s the key to freedom, healing and deliverance?

This Sunday we will learn from the life of King David how to gain the strength to move forward in the most dire circumstances of life. What is the first step? Find out what gets unleashed when we take just one small step of faith to move forward. Discover what God will do as you learn the art of overcoming and taking back what has been stolen from your life!

We look forward to your presence with us!

Bring a friend who needs to hear this word of encouragement too!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor