We are called to be overcomers in this life. There is certainly an art and skill set that is required to become an overcomer in your life. But what are we trying to overcome?
Last Sunday we looked at the importance of moving forward in faith in the face of difficult circumstances.How David encouraged himself in the Lord, took a step of faith and kept moving forward. In doing so he found victory in his life.
If you took that word to heart, how did things go for you this week? Did you make any progress? Why or why not? Did something hold you back? Did you struggle with any negative thoughts that created anxiety or fear which kept you stuck?
It has been said that our lives are also moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts.
So much about life and moving forward is won or lost based on our thought life.
Join us this Sunday as we bring you practical biblical truth about how we identify the lies we are believing, determine to break the strongholds that have been created by our thinking, using the powerful counter-weapons God has given us.
Get ready to break the strongholds in your life that are holding you back to reaching and fulfilling your destiny!
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Senior Pastor