Announcing Mary's Boy Child

The time to start the countdown to Christmas begins today! This season is known as “advent” meaning “the coming” or “coming toward”. It denotes a period of time where we prepare our hearts once again to celebrate the coming and birth of Jesus Christ and it also serves as a reminder that we now await His second coming. Today marks the debut of advent calendars that are often used to help us prepare for the celebration of the advent of the Christ-child.

These 24 numbered pictures on tiny, shuttered doors or windows are opened each day of advent to reveal a sweet item or small object. It’s simple and fun tool you can use as a springboard for engaging your family in focusing on the reason for this season – Jesus.

I heard this cute quote this week … “It’s only the first day but according to my chocolate advent calendar, there are only three days left to Christmas!” Remember you only get to open one door per day! 😊

In the spirit of Christmas giving, our Women’s and Men’s Ministries are joining together to support men and women in need by providing coats this winter. If you have a larger sized coat, specifically XL or XXL sizes, please drop them off at the containers labeled in the church lobby by Sun. Dec. 17. Please only bring clean,fully functional coats that you would wear.

We want to help a group of refugees who are in need of our love and help. Thank youyou’re your willingness to help in this manner and be a blessing this Christmas!

This Sunday we are beginning a new message series based on a popular Christmas song recorded years ago called Mary’s Boy Child. Together we will explore the announcements, birth and person of Jesus Christ because knowing what you believe about Him is absolutely essential to your faith and your future. So invite someone to join you on this journey throughout the month of December. See you this weekend at PPT!