The Creator God-Man

Often when we are describing children, we refer to them as the son or daughter of their parents. For instance, we might say, “I met one of the sons of David, his name is Jesse.”

But names can also be used to describe someone’s unique character. Like when Jesus called two brothers named James & John, the ‘sons of thunder’ pointing to their rather boisterous and wrathful dispositions.

In the Christmas story, Mary’s Boy Child was referred to by some lofty titles to describe who He was. In one sense, he was the son of Mary and Joseph, but he was also a totally unique person with names that described His essence and character. Discover in this weekend’s message how Jesus’ triple title ‘The Creator God-Man’ personally provides for each one of us. This will lead us into celebrating communion together too, so plan to join us!

Winter Coat Drive

Our winter coat drive is currently underway! We are looking for donations of winter coats for men and women, sizes L, XL and XXL. You can drop them off in the marked bins in the lobby anytime until Sunday December 17. Thank you for providing some warmth and comfort to refugees as winter approaches.