Restoring Your Perspective

Have you ever discovered that circumstances are not always as they appear? That your perspective of any situation may be affected by the lens or filters through which we are see these events?

In the art of leading an overcoming life, we must recognize the mental filters by which we view what we think is reality. When we think back through our lives, so often we are disappointed by the problems we experienced, their purpose and even a lack of answers to our prayers. That can cause us to have a certain bias in our minds.

The reality is we cannot control what happens to us, but you can control how you see it.

What if we could see it from a different point of view? What if we could see it from a different perspective? What if we started looking for God’s goodness in the experiences of life?

Join us this Sunday as we learn to recognize our filters, see the hand of God in our past experiences and thank Him for His goodness instead. It will change your life!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor