Reviving Your Soul

Everyone desires to live an overcoming life. We have been learning that the first step and the key to being an overcomer is learning to win the war that rages in our minds.

There is so much in life that can cause us to panic. Problems come, our thoughts begin to race and even spin out of control which can cause us to move in the wrong direction. The issue is we are getting fixated on the presence of our problems instead of the presence of God that is with us. We need to slow down, focus and listen for God’s still small voice in the midst of it all. But how?

We must learn to practice the presence of God. It means we draw close to God and bring our concerns to Him in prayer and worship. Then we get refocused on God’s presence that is with us and our perspective changes! We all know that praise and prayer changes things but did you know it also changes your brain! Discover how this weekend, in the message “Reviving Your Soul” and discover how to reclaim your life.

We look forward to your presence and bring someone with you who needs to hear this too!

Every Blessing,

Barry Risto
Lead Pastor