First Things First: Pursuing God's Heart

We are finishing our second week of fasting and prayer under the theme, First Things First.

So what has the Lord been revealing to you through your daily Bible readings and times of prayer? Please share with us what God has been impressing on your heart and how He is answering your prayers by emailing us at

It was another interesting week of Bible readings with fascinating topics like, learning how to relax and let God be God because He is just and merciful. The importance of having an overflowing heart and how it helps us to fulfill our potential. The need to be working to see God’s kingdom priorities come in people’s lives. We will wrap up our readings this week with understanding that the most valuable thing in the world is and how God gives us wisdom to navigate through all the challenges of life. There is so much insightful and practical teaching in these readings! If you have not yet joined us, its never too late. Just jump in now!

We eagerly anticipating our very special Prayer Anointing Service at PPT this Friday night. We invite you to join us as our pastoral staff personally prayers over you and your needs. This week we will be praying particularly for the three or four things you want God to this year. We will also be praying for physical and emotional healing. So please make every effort to join us this extended time of prayer from 8-11pm. Come even if you can’t stay for the entire time or join us when you can during this time frame. But like anything worthwhile, the more time you can devote to this service the more you will receive.

We are excited to announce the launch of our new Jr. High Youth Class (Ages 11-13) on Sundays, starting Feb 4. Watch for more details that will follow in the next couple of weeks.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we continue to fervently seek God around the message, Pursuing God’s Heart.

Every Blessing

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor