As we come to the final days of our three-week journey of fasting and prayer, we have been focusing on what things need to be first and foremost in our lives. Please share with us any answers to prayer you have received in these last twenty-one days by emailing us at
We are eagerly awaiting another Prayer Anointing Service at PPT on Friday night, 8-11p.
We invite you to join us as our pastoral staff personally prays over you and your needs.
This week we will be anointing and praying particularly for the things you want God to uproot from your life this year– things that you want freedom from so you can move forward this year to receive all that God has ordained for your life. You are welcome to come even if you can’t stay for the entire time or join us when you can during this time frame. But like anything worthwhile, the more time you can devote to this worship and prayer time the more you will receive!
This coming Sunday, we will explore what Jesus’ meant when He taught His disciples how to pray, “Your Kingdom Come.” We will learn practically speaking how we work with God to see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Every fourth Sunday of the month is Missions Sunday, so please prepare to bring a special missions offering as we begin to raise funds to help build a church building in Tanzania, Africa.
We are excited to announce the launch of our new Jr. High Youth Class (Ages 11-13) on Sundays, starting Feb 4. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!
As we come to the final days of our three-week journey of fasting and prayer, we have been focusing on what things need to be first and foremost in our lives. Please share with us any answers to prayer you have received in these last twenty-one days by emailing us at
We are eagerly awaiting another Prayer Anointing Service at PPT on Friday night, 8-11p.
We invite you to join us as our pastoral staff personally prays over you and your needs.
This week we will be anointing and praying particularly for the things you want God to uproot from your life this year– things that you want freedom from so you can move forward this year to receive all that God has ordained for your life. You are welcome to come even if you can’t stay for the entire time or join us when you can during this time frame. But like anything worthwhile, the more time you can devote to this worship and prayer time the more you will receive!
This coming Sunday, we will explore what Jesus’ meant when He taught His disciples how to pray, “Your Kingdom Come.” We will learn practically speaking how we work with God to see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Every fourth Sunday of the month is Missions Sunday, so please prepare to bring a special missions offering as we begin to raise funds to help build a church building in Tanzania, Africa.
We are excited to announce the launch of our new Jr. High Youth Class (Ages 11-13) on Sundays, starting Feb 4. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor