The Spirit of God is moving as we gather together in this extended week of fasting and prayer! We are beginning to experience an acceleration of the release of kingdom power and authority with the manifestation of signs and wonders following in the days ahead. This past Wednesday over 150 gathered for a Family Communion Service and we already receiving wonderful testimonies of what God did and has done over this past month of fasting and prayer!THE KINGDOM TWINS – POWER & AUTHORITY
At this Friday night’s Worship, Prayer & Anointing Service, 8-11pm will be praying and anointing everyone for a greater level of fruitfulness in their lives this year. There are also a number of people who will be sharing their testimony of healing, mind-boggling stories of provision, people who have experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit and people giving their hearts and lives to Jesus! If you have a answer to prayer or a testimony, please share it with us or chat with one of our pastors.
This coming Sunday is going to be a mighty Empowerment Anointing Service.
We are going to teach you about ‘The Kingdom Twins’ and what is the result when you exercise these two keys of the kingdom. Then we are going to conclude these 28-days of fasting and prayer by sealing all our prayer requests by pouring oil over them (symbol of the Holy Spirit) and also anoint everyone while you hold your bottle of anointing oil. So be sure to bring your own personal bottle of anointing oil or purchase one at the Welcome Centre ($2) BEFORE the service starts if you wish to be part of this experience.
We are about to launch the Alpha Course which starts on Wednesday, Feb 21, 7 pm.
Register today and invite someone to join you to explore the Christian faith over a meal and conversation. It’s a great place to meet and connect with others!
Help us build a new church building in Tanzania, Africa! Our goal is to raise $25,000 to help build an auditorium for Petra Church. You can give any time now and until Easter Sunday. Just mark your envelopes ‘Tanzania’.
Our new Jr. High Youth Class (Ages 11-13) starts this Sunday, Feb 4 with Pastor Robby and his team. Come and meet the team of volunteers who will leading this class.
Join us this weekend for these exciting times of ministry!