When we speak about first fruits, we are referring to a biblical festival and an offering.
In the spirit of that festival, we invite you to come to church this Sunday prepared to offer deep thanksgiving to God and an offering for all He has done during the past 28 days of fasting and prayer and for what He is about to do this year. We will also be sharing Communion together with thanksgiving. Please also share with us any answers to prayer you have received in these last twenty-eight days by emailing us at info@ppt.church
We are about to launch the Alpha Course which starts on Wednesday, Feb 21, 7 pm.
Alpha helps create a space for people to come, connect and explore the Christian faith in a relaxed setting over a meal and conversation. So invite your friends to Alpha and join them.
Be sure to register today!
We are currently raising funds to help build an auditorium in Tanzania, Africa and we taking a mission trip there! This multi-purpose 500-seat auditorium is on the grounds of Mwanza Christian College and will serve as primary meeting space for the Petra City church plant. They only need $100,000 to complete the project. Let’s help them reach this goal by giving a sacrificial missions gift anytime between now and Easter weekend. Just mark your envelope “Tanzania’. We will also be taking a mission’s trip there from April 2-11. Your registration form and deposit of $500 is due this weekend. See Sharon Morgan this Sunday at the Welcome Centre.
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor