The Family Holiday weekend is here, and we are celebrating it this Sunday in our service with baby dedications, by anointing all our children and sharing a message about the importance of building a family altar. Discover what ‘altars’ are all about and the truth that, “whoever controls the altar, controls the outcome.”
Our Alpha Course launches next Wednesday, Feb 21 at 7 pm.
Alpha it is a great place to connect with people over a meal, watch a brief video teaching and then a time of discussion that helps you explore life, faith and God in a relaxed, low pressure environment. So register now and and invite your friends to join you!
Let’s help raise an auditorium for worship services in Tanzania, Africa!
This multi-purpose 500-seat auditorium will serve as primary meeting space for Petra City church plant. With only $100,000 left to complete this project, we invite you to join us in being part of the miracle to make it happen! Just give an offering anytime before Easter Sunday and mark your envelope, Tanzania! Our missions team is also gearing up to travel there to witness first hand this ministry and the Village of Hope from April 2-11.
Every blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor