The Miracle of Palm Sunday

Petra City Church is a story that only God could write. It’s an amazing tale of resilience in the face of tragedy, rapid growth in times of transition, and unspeakable joy in the midst of uncertainty. Let’s help them build a 300-seat multi-purpose auditorium on the grounds of Mwanza Christian College. It will serve as the primary meeting place for Petra Church on Sundays and will be available to the college for chapel services, graduations, and other events. This is the final week to make this miracle happen! Just mark your giving envelope with the word 'Tanzania'. We will be praying over our Tanzania Missions Team this Sunday as they prepare for their trip there to do ministry from April 2-12.

This Sunday marks the launch of Easter Week, also known as the Passion Week of Christ. Our theme this year is 'The Miracles of Easter'. We will begin with Palm Sunday, the day we commemorate the triumphal entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem. There were some amazing miracles that took place that day, which will build faith in our hearts and set the stage for believing together for miracles throughout this week.

Do you need a miracle in your life? Do you know others who need a miracle? Then plan to join us and bring them with you to our Good Friday Services. It begins with a Communion Service and message, 'The Miracles of Good Friday' at 10:30 am. Later that day, it's our Good Friday Prayer & Anointing Service – Fri. March 29, from 8-11 pm. We will be praying for everyone who desires to be prayed for – for healing, deliverance, and provision. So let faith rise in your heart as we believe for the miraculous in Jesus' name!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor