Many of us have heard or used this reference, "Drawing a Line in the Sand." This expression refers to a decision you need to make, a direction you need to take that will affect your life significantly. Legend has it that this phrase originated with the Spartans back in 480 BC, where a line was drawn in the sand, signifying they would not retreat from the opposing Persian army. This expression seems to be a battle cry for army generals engaged in wars, calling on their troops to take a stand or position—two opposing armies or views, and you are called to pick your side, pick your team. There are two opposing kingdoms, the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan. Come this Sunday and hear a message about these Kingdoms and how Jesus has drawn a line in the sand and calls us to make a decision. The question today is: whose team/side are you on? We are also looking forward to receiving a number of people into membership this Sunday!
Our campaign to raise funds for our Tanzania Missions Building Project is in its final weeks. The deadline to give to this noteworthy endeavor is Easter Sunday. Let’s be part of the miracle of building a multi-purpose auditorium for the Petra City church plant. Please mark your giving envelope with the word ‘Tanzania’. Pray for our Tanzania Missions Team that is preparing now for their trip there to do ministry April 2-12.
Everyone needs a miracle in their lives. This is the theme of this month’s Prayer & Anointing Service, which will be held on Friday, March 29, from 8-11pm. We are praying all this month, believing for the supernatural power of God to be released in people’s lives when we meet that night. Start now to invite your friends to come who need healing, deliverance, and miracles in their lives!
Every Blessing,
Pastor Brary Risto
Lead Pastor