Everyone loves a celebration!
The Bible introduces a fascinating one known as The Jubilee Year.
This event marked a year of liberation from debt and various forms of bondage. One can only imagine the joyous atmosphere during such a time!
Throughout our 28 days of fasting and prayer this year, we received a 'rhema' word—a divine utterance from the Holy Spirit highlighting a portion of God’s Word relevant to the present moment. This word indicated that this year is a jubilee year for PPT.
But how does this apply to us? Join us this Sunday to delve into this topic and grasp how you can spiritually embrace this jubilee year in your life.
We are excited to have special musical guests, Jennifer Lewin and keyboardist Joel Chambers, who will assist in conveying this message to our hearts!
We have just a couple more weeks left for you to contribute to the construction of a multi-purpose auditorium for the Petra City church plant in Tanzania.
Consider making a sacrificial donation by Easter Sunday, and simply mark your offering envelope with 'Tanzania'.
Additionally, let's keep our PPT Tanzania Missions team of 17 people in our prayers as they embark on their ministry journey from April 2-12.
Upon their return, they will share exciting testimonies of the impact your giving and prayers have made.