Just this past week we experienced an incredible solar eclipse! It was fascinating to watch as the skies grow eerily dark in the middle of the day, only to become brighter within hours and as the sun fully emerged.
Spiritually, God desires that you to have your own personal spiritual eclipse.
What does a spiritual eclipse look like in your life? Discover this Sunday how God move you from darkness to light and lead you into a brighter, hope-filled, and fruitful future. It’s also Communion Sunday, so we will be remembering Jesus’s sacrifice for us so that we can experience that personal eclipse in your lives.
The Kingdom Assignment is coming Sunday, April 21, 10:30 am
We have an assignment that will change your life … and potentially many others. It’s a kingdom assignment. It’s based on the Parable of the Talents (read Matthew 25:14-30) and idea of ‘paying it forward’. We invite you to join us to hear the message, accept the challenge and plan to be part of this epic adventure!
Our Tanzania Missions Team is returning from Africa early this Saturday morning.
Pray they experience God’s protection as they travel. We look forward to them sharing their story, pictures and testimonies on Sunday April 28.
God is currently working in unusual and powerful ways at PPT. Come and experience His glorious presence and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to work in your life!
Every blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor