We personally become part of the kingdom of God when we repent of our sins, invite Jesus to come into our lives as our Saviour and Lord and rule in our hearts according to the principals found in the Bible. Part of being in the kingdom of God is recognizing that God has given you talents that he wants you to use for His kingdom purposes. What will you do with the talents God has given you? Guided by the principal of ‘paying it forward’, we have a kingdom assignment that will change your life … and potentially many others. Join us to hear the message and accept the challenge and plan to be part of this epic adventure this Sunday!
Members, please note our Annual Business Meeting will be held this Sunday after the morning service. You should have received an email with a link to a digital copy of the report. Printed copies are also available at the Welcome Centre. You can also cast an absentee ballot in our advance polls at the Welcome Centre until Sunday at 12:30 pm. Please note any questions about the written or financial reports needs to be submitted in writing by this Friday, April 19 so we can properly prepare.