This Sunday we will be completing our 21 Day Fasting and Prayer journey with a powerful anointing Service. We want you to do two things to prepare. First, complete a Connect Prayer Card by writing down 3-4 prayer requests you have for this year and put it on the Communion table. Secondly, bring a bottle of anointing oil with you to service. We will be praying over these prayer request and you and your bottle of oil. We want to release you to go home and anoint you children, your home, your possessions throughout the year asking for God’s blessing, favour and protection.
As we continue into move into this new year, lets keep moving forward. Let’s continue to press into God and press on to the victory that God has in store for us!
Members, please note the deadline for board nominations is this Sunday.
Please visit the Welcome Centre to complete a ballot by 12:30 pm.