Treasure in Fragile Vessels / Jars of Clay

You have got treasure!

Treasure! We have all heard the word before. When we think of treasure we may wish we have a little bit more of it – People go on dangerous expeditions to hunt for lost treasures just to show how valuable it is. When we think of treasure we think of money, lots of it - wealth, something of great worth and value; a collection of precious things, such as jewelries in gold or diamonds and precious metals- we all agree that these are valuable and expensive commodities.

Most people who have accumulated treasure, do whatever they can to protect and keep their wealth safe; they will put their wealth in very secure places such as vaults or in safety deposit boxes.

Well, in our message text for Sunday, 2 Corinthians 4: 7, Paul tells us that God has placed a treasure in vessels of clay, yes, that’s right, Jars of Clay. We all know what Jars of clay are; They are fragile, breakable and inexpensive containers. What’s up with that?

Come on Sunday to find out what is this treasure, who are these Jars of clay, why did God do such a thing, and how does this relate and impact our Christian experience.