What is driving you today?

What is the driving force in your life? You can find the answer to that question in the answers to a few other questions: What do you think about while you're driving to work? What do you think about while you're driving home? What do you think about right before you fall asleep? The answers to these questions will help clarify the driving force in your life. The word ‘driven’ means ‘to propel’. It also means to ‘guide, control, or direct’. What is guiding and motivating your life on this earth? Discover the wisdom of being Driven By Eternity in this Sunday’s online service!

Last weekend was a busy and fruitful time of sharing God’s love with people on the Valentine’s and Family Day holiday. We delivered hot and delicious meals to our senior shut-ins. Then we connected with kids and adults at our Valentine’s Day Drive-Thru sharing God’s love and some sweet treats! Thanks to everyone who helped be a blessing to others and to all who came to experience it. We really enjoyed seeing you in person and having some personal time together!

Our Love Challenge continues to be a great blessing throughout the month of February as people are calling or texting a different person every day and let them know they are loved and appreciated. Thanks for sharing words of encouragement with one another and for building each other up in faith, hope and love!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor