Living Here For There

If I find in myself, desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world. — C.S. Lewis

 As a believer in Jesus Christ, we live on two planes of existence simultaneously. The New Testament is full of examples of this dual reality. We live in a temporal, visible world but also an invisible, eternal world. Join us this Sunday as we learn how to live in the ‘now’ with the next world in mind in our second message in this series, Driven By Eternity: Living Here For There.

Love is the greatest virtue in the kingdom of God and on earth. We want to thank you for responding to our challenge to connect with someone everyday this past month to express your love and appreciation for them. We hope you will join us this Sunday night for our Family Zoom Meeting as we celebrate the conclusion of our Love Challenge in a unique and fun way!

We are thrilled with the 114 people who have already joined us for our devotional series: 40 Days of Revival. It’s not too late to join us in learning more about God and growing in our relationship with Him through the study of revival. Together we will explore the attributes common to history's greatest revivals. Topics like being present, prayer, purity, power, personal sacrifice and praise—with hearts open to what they might teach us about God and our relationship with Him. Knowing God and His ways is the goal and prize of this time we will spend together. So let's spend the next few weeks together before Easter, growing in our relationship with Christ.

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor