Living On Purpose

It’s important in life to have a purpose. Without purpose, what’s the point of getting up every day? Life can’t be just about growing-up, getting a job, taking a few vacations, retiring, and dying, can it? Is that why we are here on earth? I believe each of us are on earth for a special purpose.

Why is purpose so important? A purpose sets the entire context for our lives. A purpose is a master plan for our life. Knowing our purpose helps us define our goals. It helps us avoid getting lost in the minutia of daily life by keeping our eyes on the target. It can make life much more enjoyable and focused. Purpose is not something that others choose for us; rather, it is something God wants to reveal to each one of us. You were made by God for a purpose. Do you know your purpose? Do you want to live your life for that purpose? Discover how in this Sunday’s message, Living On Purpose. Together we will examine someone who epitomizes the concept.

It’s been a wonderful experience reading the 40 Days of Revival daily devotionals and Scriptures together, and reading your comments of insights and reflections. It helps us feel connected to one another in our pursuit of God. We also are praying into those topics every Friday night at our Upper Room Prayer Meeting, so please join us as we pray over the process of purity.

Let’s also continue to pray for the opportunity for our church to re-open, so we can once again meet in-person and worship together!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor