COVID Update

As we mark the half way point of our 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer, we are receiving wonderful testimonies of how is working His truth in people’s lives. The daily interaction on the Bible app is providing a wonderful platform to connect and share spiritual insights with one another. We encourage you to press into the Lord through fasting, reading the daily devotionals and prayer points. Keep joining others on our evening prayer conference calls and Pastor’s Chat livestreams. Especially plan to join us for our Upper Room Gathering this Friday night as we are believing for 120+ people to join us for this special prayer conference call. Together we will be praying for the fullness of God’s presence to fill our lives, homes and church. So make a special effort to join us and get in on receiving this blessing of God! Our Connect Challenge continues so please work at connecting with one different person every day via a phone call or text. We need to mutually encourage one another in these times!

With the latest emergency stay-at-home order announced this week, the church office will be officially closed again. Most of our staff will be working from home but available for you to contact. We are pleased to inform you that we can continue to produce our online livestream services under the Production Media Industries guidelines. We are reducing the number of volunteers working as an extra precaution. Our staff and volunteers will continue to follow all the strictest safety protocols that have kept us all safe and virus-free. We are grateful to God for protecting the ministry over these past eleven months.

As we progress in this new year, we are going to continue to see great challenges ahead but also great manifestations of God’s goodness in the midst of it all. In light of that truth, one of the greatest needs for facing the future is wisdom and discernment. Join us online this Sunday, for the message Seeing The Unseen, where we will help you develop these two spiritual skillsets in your life.

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor