Our powerful 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer is coming to a close this weekend. How has God spoken to you or what has He been revealed to you as we have been praying for Him to ‘open our eyes’? We would love to hear your testimony, so please email them to me and indicate if you wish to just privately share this or whether we can share it publicly to encourage others. We will never use your name, but tell the story so others can be blessed, rejoice with you and let it encourage others. We know God has truly been working in people’s lives during this fast and we would love to hear your testimony!
Our Upper Room Prayer Gathering is tonight! We have felt compelled to call people to another special prayer conference call. We are believing for 150+ people to join us for this incredibly relevant topic, The Unseen Road Ahead and God’s plan for your life.
Our Connect Challenge continues so please make an effort each day to connect with at least one different person via a phone call or text and ask how they are doing. Again we are hearing wonderful reports of how people are being blessed themselves by reaching out to bless others! Let’s mutually encourage one another in the Lord and our walk with God.
Our Church Office is closed, however the office vestibule is open Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm for you to drop off your tithes/offerings and any board nominations ballots (deadline is this Sunday).
My message this Sunday is Seeing Your Purpose. What if everything God has for your life is exactly what you would love to do most? Join us as we explore God’s purpose for your life and this year!
Every blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor