Keeping your faith in God.

Many of us are experiencing various challenges in life right now from the COVID-19 crisis, resulting financial implications because of a lost job, business shutdowns, or other health issues. We are living in a world of increased social unrest and cultural upheavals. We are concerned about the future, what it holds and what life is going to look like moving forward.

All of these current trials are at work to produce something in us regarding our faith. Join us this Sunday, for the message Keeping Your Faith. The Bible says our faith is priceless, that it will be tested to be proven genuine, but it will also be tested to develop perseverance, so that in the end, we will achieve the goal of our faith—the salvation of our soul. Learn how to not only keep your faith but how to cultivate it and keep it growing in the midst of these great trials in uncertain days.

This will be our second Sunday to regather in-person and worship together. You must register in advance if you would like to attend a Sunday service. The deadline to register each week is Friday at midnight. It is also imperative that you read, understand, and agree to the conditions for attending in-person services. This will help us to comply with all the necessary provincial guidelines, allow for contact tracing if necessary, and help us plan accordingly for the size of crowd that will be coming. If you are a vulnerable person due to pre-existing health conditions, we ask that you stay home and enjoy the service online.

Know that we are constantly praying for you. If you require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please also help care for one another. Let’s all reach out to others in our circle of influence (family, friends, and neighbours) and check-in on them. Ask them how they are doing, offer your assistance where you can and pray with them. Together, as the Body of Christ, let's do the ‘work of the ministry and edify the body of Christ’ (Ephesians 4:12).

We look forward to your presence with us in-person or online this Sunday!

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor