This will be our first Sunday in four months to open our building to regather in-person and worship together! It’s an exciting moment for some, and a scary one for others. You are free to determine to your level of comfort with this and can either join us in-person, or stay online for our worship services. We ask that you respect other people’s convictions about this matter. Above all, may we all operate in love and respect, and honour one another.
It is going to look and feel different as we take this first step, so our goal is to help manage your expectations. We are taking a slow and careful approach to reopening the building for people to attend these in-person services. It will happen in stages, much like how the province is slowly reopening. May we all be patient with one another and our leadership team as we forge ahead in this process.
In this first stage, we will reopen the building only on Sundays for service and you must register in advance through our website. The deadline to register for this first week is Friday, July 3 at midnight. This will help us abide by the provincial guidelines, allow for contact tracing if necessary, and help us plan accordingly for the size of crowd that will come.
Please understand, in this first stage, you cannot just show up and register at the door. If you did not register in advance, please enjoy the service online. It is also imperative, that you read, understand and agree to the conditions for attending any in-person services. If you are sick, are close to someone who is sick, have travelled out of the region recently, or your health is vulnerable we ask that you stay home and enjoy the service online.
We are living in extraordinary days. Days unlike any of us have ever seen. What does the future hold? How should we pray? The early church faced a similar situation and in my message this weekend, we will explore the wisdom they used in their challenging days. So join us for worship and the Word—An Extraordinary Prayer for Extraordinary Days.
We look forward to your presence with us in-person or online this Sunday!
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor