Regathering Update

Starting Sunday, July 5, we will slowly and carefully re-open the building for people to attend in-person services. We require that you be willing to abide by the following measures for everyone’s safety and welfare.

If you are sick, are close to someone who is sick, have travelled out of the region recently, or your health is vulnerable we ask that you stay home and enjoy the service online.

Watch our Regathering Update video.


Advance registration online is required to attend service. This is to abide by the capacity regulations stated by the province and for contact tracing purposes.

Do not show up at the door on Sunday morning without having registered.

Registration will close at midnight on the Friday prior to the service.

Register for Sunday, July 5


We request you arrive 30 minutes early to park. Please park in every other parking space, as guided by our attendants.

Doors will open at 10:00 am.


You must line up to enter the building at the East Entrance only. Outside these doors you will have your temperature checked and answer these COVID-19 screening questions:

  1. Do you have any of the following: Fever, Cough, Difficulty Breathing, Sore throat, Trouble Swallowing, Runny Nose, Loss of taste or smell, Not feeling well, or Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea?

  2. Have you been in close contact with someone who is sick or has confirmed COVID-19 in the past 14 days?

  3. Have you returned from travel outside Canada in the past 14 days?


Proceed to the check-in table to confirm your registration and ensure you are wearing a mask (please bring one with you.)

Please follow all markings and signage in the building to help with the flow of traffic and to maintain social distancing.

Masks must be worn at ALL TIMES inside the building.


A lobby greeter will direct you to one of the five doors to the sanctuary, where an usher will escort you down an aisle to seat you. Available sanctuary seating will be clearly marked to maintain social distancing. Upon conclusion of service, please wait for an usher to escort you out of the sanctuary and building.


Children must remain and be seated with parents at all times. A packet of crafts/activities will be available at each sanctuary door for pick-up should you wish to use them.


Offering boxes will be available at every door for you to deposit your giving either before or after service. The debit machine at the Welcome Centre will also be available for use. Please line-up according to the stanchions and floor markings.


Washroom entrances will be monitored by volunteers to limit the number of people using the facilities at any one time. Change tables are available in both washrooms with sanitizing wipes. Please be sure to wash your hands after using the facilities.

Our building will be properly cleaned and sanitized after every public service.