God's Place

Over the past year there has been a lot been said about the racial divide; we see the tension across the world and between different people groups; nobody seems to be getting along. There are walls dividing us and we are all yearning for a fair and just society where all feel welcome.

We all want our place to feel warm and welcoming to our friends and family. We do a lot to make our home feel inviting and comfortable for everyone; we put up flowers and pictures and a welcome sign at the door that says, all are welcome.

At God’s Place all are invited and welcomed. God’s Place is not exclusive but inclusive; it’s not only certain people who are extended an invitation. At God`s Place there are no racial barriers, no dividing walls, and no class systems where only certain people are valued.

At God’s Place you are no longer strangers or foreigners but you are fellow citizens with the saints, you are of God’s household and His holy temple.

We invite you to join us this Sunday morning as Pastor Charles brings this timely message God’s Place. We look forward to worshipping with you together and online. Get ready for a fantastic morning in the presence of the Lord.


Pastor Wayne Russell
Associate Pastor