We just returned from taking a break for some vacation time. We enjoyed our time to rest and be refreshed, and hope you get an opportunity to so as well this summer. We are so looking forward to seeing you again this Sunday!
Every week, it is exciting to see a growing number of people returning to gather together for worship and the teaching of God’s Word. Meeting together in person has always been a major part of God’s plan for His people and His church (Acts 2:42,46-47). God has wired us for social interaction and fellowship, and now that things are opening up more and more we want to personally invite you to come back to our in-person services. It is in that context that our spiritual and relational needs are meet. Please continue to register to attend services and if your plans to attend change, we ask that you cancel your registration to allow others who might be on our waiting list to come, as more and more people are desiring to attend.
Are you going through deep waters? Are you facing rivers of difficulty? Do you feel the fire of oppression in your life? Then plan to join us on our Prayer Conference Call tonight as we pray with you and for you, claiming the promises of God for those experiencing those challenges right now (Isaiah 43:1-3). These times of prayer are powerful and uplifting as we join our hearts and lift our voices together to God!
Life is getting more uncertain all the time. Our world is rapidly changing and if we just look at life in the natural, we’d live with a sense of uncertainty—which brings great mental and emotional stress. But God goes ahead of us to put certainty into all the uncertain situations of life. This Sunday we will learn the key to Living In Certainty that will keep us in the perfect peace of God. God goes ahead of us to put certainty into all the uncertain situations of life. You can live in wonderful certainty!
Every Blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor