Things are moving forward. We are moving from the winter season to spring. We just turned our clocks forward an hour. We are moving towards the highlight of the year, the Passion Week of Christ. Now, we are also springing forward towards the reopening of our building for in-person services again, beginning on Palm Sunday – March 28. What a joy to know we can gather together again on the day we commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem, welcoming the people to worship Him as the Messiah!
As we reopen the church building again for worship services, we remind you that you must register to attend services. Online registration will open each week on Mondays and is limited to 15% capacity. The protocols will be the same as before. So please arrive between 10:00 am and 10:30 am, and check-in at the registration desk. You will be required to wear a mask, hand sanitize, and maintain social distancing once you enter the building. We are calling on our incredible volunteers to once again to help us. So, if you are a volunteer please look for an email requesting you to sign-up to serve in various capacities for our Sunday services. We look forward to seeing you again and we welcome you to worship with us in-person as we celebrate Easter!
As we spring forward into this new season of life and ministry, we need to do so with a certain spirit—join us online this Sunday for our worship service and message, Facing The Future, to discover how! We also look forward to all our members joining us for our online Annual Business Meeting at 2 pm. May you have a blessed weekend!
Every blessing,
Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor