Facing The Crowd

Last week we spoke about how Jesus faced his future as He journeyed towards Jerusalem and ultimately the cross. In the story of Lazarus, we learned that we often we have expectations that Jesus will keep trouble away, or that as believers we should stay away from trouble when see it. But Jesus shows us that it’s not about living safe but rather by knowing we are secure when we are pursuing the will and glory of God in our lives.

This weekend marks the beginning of Holy Week, or the Passion Week of Christ, which is the final week of Christ’s life on earth and His journey towards the cross. It begins with His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on what we call Palm Sunday, as the people waved palm branches and worshipped Him as the Messiah. In this Sunday’s message we will look at what Jesus experienced from the crowds of people when he rode into Jerusalem that day, and where we might have been if we were in that crowd.

It is interesting that the opportunity to re-open the church building for in-person worship services coincides with this celebration. We are thrilled that so many of you quickly chose to register for service. We pray that whether you are joining us in person or online, that you will come to this weekend with a spirit of praise and worship in your heart for Jesus!

Please note that registration for our Good Friday Communion Service will run from Monday to Wednesday next week. Registration for Easter Sunday Service will run from Wednesday through Friday. You must arrive between 10:00 am and 10:45 am, and follow all the safety protocols. Whether you attend in person or online, it’s going to be an incredible week of services as we celebrate and remember the final week of Jesus life, His death on the cross, His burial and His resurrection. All done on our behalf so we could have a loving, vibrant relationship with God our heavenly Father. Let’s worship Jesus with all of our hearts!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor