Let me take this opportunity to quote from the Apostle Paul. "Every time I think of you, I give thanks to God." (Philippians 1:3, NLT)
I truly thank God for PPT and all that God is doing in our midst. I am thankful for our staff, leaders, volunteers and everyone who calls PPT home. We pray the blessing of the Lord on each person connected with our church. We pray that the peace of the Lord that goes beyond our understanding, will flood our lives as we endeavour to live for Him.
Our lead Pastor and his wife are away for some much needed holidays. Therefore, let us keep them in prayer as they disconnect, rest, and come back refreshed.
I will be preaching a message this Sunday titled, Strength For the Journey, where we will examine the life of Elijah. I know this message will be an encouragement to you.
Just a friendly reminder, that you must register to attend our Sunday services and please arrive before 10:30 am so we can properly seat you and your family.
We look forward to connecting with you in person and online this Sunday as we experience His presence in a mighty way.
Many Blessings,
Pastor Wayne Russell
Associate Pastor