The Journey To Light The Night

The Christmas season is here and it’s all about light. As the days get shorter, the nights grow longer, people love to decorate by hanging lights everywhere and on everything. It’s most appropriate, as it symbolizes the meaning for the celebration of the season—the birth of Jesus Christ, who declared Himself to be the light of the world.

This Sunday we will launch into a Christmas series of messages entitled The Journey to Light the Night. Join us as we tour through the Bible to discover the lengths to which God used the analogy of light to describe the coming of His Son. Learn how Jesus, the light of the world, dispels the darkness to lead and guide us. Together we will celebrate God’s promise to light the night not only now but for eternity!

We look forward to your presence with us in person or online this weekend as we launch into this Christmas season of celebration!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor