Day of Fasting & Prayer - June 2022

Keep Circling Jericho

Gratitude is thanking God after He does it.
Faith is thanking God before He does it.

As we stand in faith believing God for breakthroughs, miracles, and advances to take place in his kingdom and in our personal lives, we must remember that the answers to these requests actually happen twice.

The first answer comes in the spiritual realm. A great example of this is found in the conquest of the city of Jericho, 1 Now the gates of Jericho were tightly shut because the people were afraid of the Israelites. No one was allowed to go out or in. 2 But the lord said to Joshua, I have given you Jericho, its king, and all its strong warriors.(Joshua 6:1-2, NLT)

Did you catch the verb tense? It should be future tense. “I will give.” It hadn’t happened yet, right? So, why is it past tense: “I have given?” It was already a done deal. God had given Joshua the promise … ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you … (Joshua1:3). God had already promised this victory so hence it was a done deal. Marching around the walls was the expression of faith and prayer to complete it in the spirit realm and to set-up the physical manifestation of the miracle on the seventh day!

You see, every breakthrough, every miracle, every answer to prayer happens twice. It happens in the spiritual realm first. We pray and keep praying until we sense a breakthrough in the spirit realm. It comes with a release in our spirits and sense of peace in our hearts that God has heard and will respond. Then by faith we thank God before it ever happens or manifests in the physical realm.

Another great example is found in the feeding of the five thousand. Jesus asked Philip a question: “Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?” Do you really think Jesus was asking Philip to pull out his GPS and located the nearest Mandarin buffet? Jesus was kneading Philip and we know this from Scriptures because it says, 6 He was testing Philip, for he already knew what he was going to do. God has the answer; He has the provision. God knows how He is going to bring about the miracle.

The timing is all up to God but keep circling your Jericho in prayer and praise Him for the answer in faith believing!


Joshua 1:1-5 (NLT) … The Lord’s Charge to Joshua

1 After the death of Moses the Lord’s servant, the Lord spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ assistant. He said, 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Therefore, the time has come for you to lead these people, the Israelites, across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them. 3 I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you4 from the Negev wilderness in the south to the Lebanon mountains in the north, from the Euphrates River in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west, including all the land of the Hittites.’ 5 No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you.


Joshua 6:1-2 (NLT) … The Fall of Jericho

1 Now the gates of Jericho were tightly shut because the people were afraid of the Israelites. No one was allowed to go out or in. 2 But the Lord said to Joshua, “I have given you Jericho, its king, and all its strong warriors. 3 You and your fighting men should march around the town once a day for six days. 4 Seven priests will walk ahead of the Ark, each carrying a ram’s horn. On the seventh day you are to march around the town seven times, with the priests blowing the horns. 5 When you hear the priests give one long blast on the rams’ horns, have all the people shout as loud as they can. Then the walls of the town will collapse, and the people can charge straight into the town.”


John 6:1-13 (NLT) … Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
1 After this, Jesus crossed over to the far side of the Sea of Galilee, also known as the Sea of Tiberias. 2 A huge crowd kept following him wherever he went, because they saw his miraculous signs as he healed the sick. 3 Then Jesus climbed a hill and sat down with his disciples around him. 4 (It was nearly time for the Jewish Passover celebration.) 5 Jesus soon saw a huge crowd of people coming to look for him. Turning to Philip, he asked, “Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?” 6 He was testing Philip, for he already knew what he was going to do.

Prayer Points

Scriptures: Joshua 1:1-5; 6:1-5; John 6:1-13

  • Thank the Lord for allowing you to participate in this month’s day of prayer and fasting.

  • 1 John 1:9 – Confess any known and unknown sins.

  • Father, I am forever grateful for what You have done for me and my household (mention them and thank Him fervently)

  • Psalm 56:9 - Father, I thank You in advance for turning the tides my struggles and battles in my favour. (mention them and thank Him fervently)

  • Joshua 1:1 – Lord, remove the noise and distractions in and around my life to allow me to hear Your voice all the time. (pray this fervently)

  • Joshua 1:1 – Lord, remove every noise and distraction in and around the lives of PPT households and the church to facilitate the hearing of Your voice.

  • Joshua 1:1 – Father, remove every noise , every distraction in and around our Pastors’ lives and ministry to facilitate hearing the of Your voice(mention their names, pray this fervently)

  • Joshua 1:3-4 – In the name of Jesus, I will possess my possessions in this season.

  • Joshua 1:3-4 – Lord, in this season, let PPT households and the church possess their possessions.

  • Joshua 1:5 – Lord, I make demands on this promise; that in this season no one will be able to hold out against me, my household, PPT and the church.

  • Joshua 6:5 – In the name of Jesus, I speak to my walls of Jericho (fear, depression, pessimism, anger, frustration, confusion, hopelessness and the like) to fall down. (pray this fervently)

  • John 6:6 – All knowing and dependable God show me the way to my breakthrough(s) and victory (ies).

  • John 6:11 – Lord, I want to see miracles in my life in this season. (pray this fervently)

  • John 6:11 – Lord we want to see miracles in PPT households.

  • John 6:12-13 – Father, surprise me this season in Jesus name. (mention the areas)

  • Luke 4:18 – Father release Your anointing on all of our pastors, elders and musicians in this season . Lord, Release the captives; Let the blind see and the oppressed set free at all PPT gatherings. (pray this fervently)

  • Jehovah Nissi uproot and crush the spirit of Goliath and tyranny that has been released upon the world. Surround the nation of Ukraine like mount Zion. Stall the advancement, confuse the Russian military forces and let their plans backfire in Jesus’ name.

  • Pray for the persecuted Christians in the world today.

Prayer Declaration

Thank you Lord for your promise that you will not fail or abandon me. With this promise, O God my Father, I will put on my armour daily and circle my Jericho. Like Joshua, the walls of my Jericho (fear, depression, pessimism, anger, frustration, confusion, hopelessness, and the like) will fall in Jesus name. Lord, as you were with Moses and Joshua so shall you be with me, my household, PPT, and the church. I step out in faith this month knowing that my God, Jehovah Nissi has already fought my battle and won. I am victorious. Therefore, I declare that, the walls of my Jericho has fallen, and it will continue to fall in the name of Jesus. My roots, the roots of PPT households will be aligned and grounded in you, O Lord. I seal this with the blood of Jesus and so shall it be.

Upper Room Prayer at 8:00 pm Friday
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