Revive Us, O Lord!
Welcome to a new year, a new decade and the reality that many things will be chasing after you. Things like opportunities, social media, emails, texts, temptations, deadlines, pleasures, distractions, unfinished projects and dreams.
But what will you chase after in this new year? Can we suggest something of great importance that would be worthy of your attention? Something that in many ways, matters more than anything else. One thing that will affect every area in your life like your attitude, your desires, your words, your actions, your morals, your personal habits, your family life, your goals. Yes, your entire life! Something that would not only benefit you but could have an impact on our church, city, and even nation if enough of us set the same goal.
The key to the year 2020 is to have 20/20 vision… and the Holy Spirit is calling us to vision, the goal of CHASING GOD. To seek and pursue God that we might experience a fresh spark in our own lives that will help ignite a fresh spiritual fire in lives of others, which in turn could start a national movement of God. Because that’s what happens when you put a bunch of hot burning coals together!
So we are launching into this new year with a call to 21 days of Fasting & Prayer based on the theme ‘REVIVE US O LORD’. There will be an opportunity for you to pray together with others EVERY DAY, whether that be at church or on our prayer conference calls. There will be daily email devotionals prayer points for you to use, so we can all be praying about the same topics. If you want to receive these all you have to do is sign-up at:
I invite you to make a personal decision and commitment to fast and pray with us for a personal, corporate and national revival. Our foundational Scripture is found in Psalm 85:6 (NKJV) … Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You? Together let’s ask God to grant us a personal revival and regaining a fresh passion for God in our lives!
These days fasting and prayer will culminate in three days of revival services with evangelist Robert Martin on Friday/Saturday January 24/25, 7:30 pm and Sunday, Jan 26, 10:30a/6:00p. Together we will be praying asking the King of Glory to come in all His fullness and touch us and fill us to overflowing with His presence and power! Invite others to join you in this call and promise of the Holy Spirit: Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. (Psalm 24:9)
Looking forward to your presence with us!
Pastor Barry Risto