🚫 Are there boundaries in your relationships?

Boundaries are part of our everyday lives. In geography, boundaries show where one country ends and another begins. We have property lines around our homes. Personal boundaries are what define our identity—what we believe, value, need, or feel. In relationships, boundaries are essential to keep us from trying to control others and to keep others from controlling us.

As we continue in our series, we are going to discover the importance of these boundaries in our personal relationships. So join us this Sunday for our message, Boundaries In Relationships. Together we will explore God’s Word to discover what we are responsible for, and what we are not, and to how to apply that wisdom to create healthy relationships. We look forward to your presence with us this weekend!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

😡 Are you angry?

As we presented last week, good communication skills are at the heart of all great relationships. It is wise to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. This week we will explore why it is wise to be slow to get angry. Anger is a powerful emotion in our lives and has a tremendous impact on our relationships. What are the roots causes of it? Is being angry always wrong? How do we handle it when things are escalating in our conversations and communications?

So join us this Sunday for our message, Controlling Your Anger and learn how to experience healthier relationships by dealing with this emotion in your life. We will also be celebrating communion together, so if you are online, please have your communion elements ready. We look forward to your presence with us this weekend!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

💬 Great talking with you...

Is that how you feel after having a conversation with someone? In our current series, we are talking about how to develop healthy relationships with others. Good communication skills are at the heart of all great relationships. If we will learn and practice them, they will allow us to experience wonderful relationships.

So join us this Sunday for our message, Keys To A Great Conversation, and learn how to experience healthier relationships!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Dynamics of Family Relationships 👪

Every family experiences relational dynamics. The past couple of years have created additional stress on family relationships. God who is the creator and designer of the family knows best how to make our family relationships work. In the Bible, we have plenty of examples of the blessings and follies that various families experienced as they either practiced or ignored those principles.

In this Sunday message, Proper Family Dynamics, we are going to explore some of those passages to learn how God’s principles work to create healthy family relationships. So whether you join us online or in person, we look forward to your presence with us on this weekend!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

We are family.

The very mention of the word ‘family’ conjures up a plethora of thoughts, experiences and feelings, some of which are wonderful and others maybe not so much. This coming Monday we will celebrate Family Day, a provincial holiday that was established to celebrate the importance of families and family life to people and their communities. This is noteworthy and commendable as families are ordained of God and the bedrock of every society.

God is the One who created the whole concept and design of family. This Sunday, we are going to explore God’s Word to gain knowledge and understanding of His plan and purposes for our families. If we use wisdom in applying these principles to our family relationships, we will experience the goodness and favour that God always intended for our families!

Remember you no longer have to register to attend service. However, we do ask that you allow our staff to continue to direct you to appropriate entrance doors to the sanctuary and allow our ushers to seat you. So whether you join us online or in person, we look forward to your presence with us this Family Day Holiday Weekend!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Whose purpose will prevail?

There are many people working diligently and fervently to see the purposes that they are passionate about prevail in their lives, our society, and the world. They often suffer at great lengths in this battle to see whose purposes prevail.

Similarly, and spiritually, we all face our fair share of suffering in this world. We have a very real enemy who has a very evil purpose for that suffering. But we have a mighty, sovereign God who has a very different and much greater purpose in our suffering. Discover the nature of this battle in this weekend’s message, Whose Purpose Will Prevail? You will come to understand that Satan and God intend for the same suffering to work for entirely different purposes. We will celebrate that God’s purposes will always prevail as we take Communion together.

Remember you no longer have to register to attend service. However, we do ask that you allow our staff to continue to direct you to appropriate entrance doors to the sanctuary and allow our ushers to seat you. So whether you join us online or in person, we look forward to your presence with us this Sunday!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Looking forward to this weekend! ✋

It was so wonderful to chat with you last Sunday night and provide an update on our recovery. We also enjoyed engaging with you on Pastor’s Chat this past Wednesday night. Pastor Debbie and I are looking forward to being in service this Sunday to greet you, to worship together, and to receive the preaching of the Word of God in person.

There is so much going on in our world today that many are calling it quits in so many ways. Yes, they may still be functioning in society but the spark is gone. The joy of life has been replaced by drudgery and so many negative experiences. Yet, the Word of God has so much to say about not giving up—about pressing in and experiencing so much more out of our circumstances and situations—regardless of what life throws at us!

Come and hear Pastor Wayne preach this encouraging message, I Press On. You will be challenged to press on; to look ahead and experience God’s presence and power in your life now and by faith also experience the wonders that God has for us even during these times.

Remember you no longer have to register to attend service. So whether you join us online or in person, we look forward to your presence with us on this first Sunday of February!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

When we are attacked by the enemy

Our 21 days of Fasting and Prayer will conclude this Sunday with Pastor Charles sharing a message about praising God even when we are attacked by the enemy!

Also, don't miss Pastor's Chat this Sunday evening, as Pastor Barry will be sharing an update on his condition along with some spiritual insights he has gleaned during these 21 days of fasting & prayer.

Whether you join us online or in person, we look forward to your presence with us this Sunday!

When You Are Troubled

This week as we launched our 21 days of Fasting and Prayer, we laid a foundation of why we are called to praise God by looking at the character of God.

He is our Creator and heavenly Father who loves us deeply and has a plan for our lives. That plan all starts with Jesus who sacrificed His life so we could be forgiven and restored in our relationship with God. But it didn’t stop there. He sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper and guide, along with the Word of God. Our relationship with the Father is based on the truth that he is good God, who is holy, all-powerful, and will be with us forever.

As we enter the second week of our 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer, we are going to build on that foundation by addressing some of the practical struggles of life. In this Sunday’s message, we will learn the secret art of praising God, no matter what trouble you are going through, and how to claim the truth and promises of God in your life. We will discover the hidden power of praise!

Whether you join us online or in person, we look forward to your presence with us this Sunday!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

🔑 Praise That Unlocks Real Hope

As we launch into this new year, there is a great need for people to experience real hope in this troubled world. God offers us the only true hope through a relationship with Him. Prayer is the vehicle God gave us to communicate with Him in this relationship. The purest form of prayer is praise and worship because it focuses our minds and hearts entirely away from ourselves and onto Him. Our praise and worship communicates pure love, devotion, reverence, and thankfulness to God. It exalts Him for who He is. It communicates our longing for the Lord. It draws us to close to Him.

Praise welcomes God’s presence into our midst. It’s in His presence that we find our greatest blessing. As you welcome the Lord’s presence in your life with praise for all that He is and everything He has done, you will see changes happen in and around you like you have never seen before! Together let’s discover, the hidden power of praising and worshipping God!

Be sure to register for this Sunday’s service. We look forward to your presence with us in person or online for our Communion Service this Sunday as we worship God Because Of His Sacrifice.

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

It's New Year's Eve!

We welcome you to bid farewell to this past year and ring in the new year with us! A special New Year’s Eve Prayer Meeting will be held at 8 pm on our Prayer Conference Call. Then we will be hosting a New Year’s Eve Pastor’s Chat at 11 pm where we will share testimonies of what we are grateful for this past year and what we are believing God for in 2022. There is still time to email us your responses to what you are grateful to God for over this past year and what you are believing God for in the new year. So join Pastors Barry & Debbie and Pastors Wayne and Patricia for a lively conversation as we reflect on the past year and pray in the new year with you!

Just a reminder that if you wish to do any year-end giving, please do so online today. Thank you for your wonderful faithfulness in giving to God over this past year!

It’s that time of year when many people think about making resolutions for the new year. We think of eating better, exercising, and spending less. But there is one resolution you should absolutely make this year. It’s a key resolution that will affect everything else in your life. Discover what it is this Sunday, in my message, The One Resolution.

We look forward to your presence with us in person or online for this first Sunday of January and the new year!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

It's Christmas Eve — Are you ready?

So here we are. It’s Christmas Eve… are you ready? Most of us have spent the last several weeks getting ready. Trees decorated. Gifts bought and wrapped. Holiday parties, family gatherings, and cards and letters sent far and wide. It’s all wonderful. There is a lot of pageantry to Christmas celebrations. But it all really comes down to the age old Christmas story we read together each year. What is this story really trying to say? The Bible is never just about then, but it’s also about now. It’s not just about the first Christmas characters, but it is also about you and me. Emmanuel came. God was there with Mary and Joseph, and God is with us, here and now.

Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’” (Matthew 1:22-23)

May you never doubt that on this Christmas Eve. God is with you. God is with us in this moment. With the promise to never leave us or forsake us.

We hope you will join us tonight for our Christmas Eve Pastor’s Chat as we celebrate the Christmas story from our home to yours. Then may you awaken to a blessed Christmas Day celebrating the birth of Christ in your hearts and homes!

Please note that our in-person Sunday Service has been cancelled due to at least one known COVID case. We hope you will join us online instead for my message. The reality is that we all will face some dark days in our lives. What darkness are you facing currently in your life? What circumstances overshadow your days. Discover how Jesus has come to light your night in this message!

We look forward to your presence with us online this Sunday!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor


It's Christmas Eve and we want to wish you and your family a very merry Christmas!

We have been informed that a member of our congregation tested positive for COVID yesterday. If you have attended any of the following in-person events held over the past week at PPT, we encourage you to monitor for symptoms and self-isolate for 10 days should any symptoms occur.

  • December 15 – Seniors Ministry: Christmas Around The Piano

  • December 15 – School of the Arts: Christmas Showcase

  • December 16 – Youth Christmas Party: Dollarama-O-Rama

  • December 17 – PPT Kids + Family: Nativity Night

  • December 19 – Christmas Sunday Service

Out of an abundance of caution, and according to COVID guidelines, the PPT church leadership team have decided to cancel this Sunday's in-person service. Instead, I will be sharing my message online this Sunday directly from my home.

Look for our next update on Wednesday, December 29, 2021 with further information regarding our January 2, 2022 service.

We hope you will join us online this Sunday at 10:30 am. Please pray for healing and a hedge of protection around our congregation.

Have a blessed Christmas!

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Birth of the Light

It’s Christmas Sunday this weekend! We have planned a wonderful array of Christmas music, specials, and a message about the birth of Jesus. Following the service, you can take advantage of our beautiful platform Christmas scenery and capture a family photo. We also have a special treat to handout to everyone following the service! It’s going to be an exciting morning as we gather to celebrate the birth of the light—Jesus Christ!

Registration is now full and there is a waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, we will contact you if there are any cancellations. Plan to arrive between 10:00 am and 10:30 am so we can properly seat you and your family before the service begins. We look forward to your presence with us in person or online this weekend as we celebrate the birth of the light of the world!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Glorious Light

We continue in our Christmas message series on ‘The Journey to Light the Night’ this weekend with a message about how Jesus is the glory of God and how He manifested that glory to the world.

The glory of God is seen in the life of Jesus because all the fullness of God lived in Christ. Jesus took on a human body, made His home among us, allowing us to experience God’s unfailing love and faithfulness. God wants us to know and experience that glory in our lives. So come and join us this weekend and experience that glory in your own heart and life as we worship Jesus and celebrate communion together!

We look forward to your presence with us whether in person or online this weekend as we celebrate Jesus, the glorious Light of the World!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Coming of the Light of the World

It’s Christmas and we are reliving the anticipation of the first coming of Jesus Christ in our new series of messages called, ‘The Journey to Light the Night.’ God used the analogy of light to describe the coming of His Son. Jesus, was also given the description, The Light of the World. The light that Christ brings is both inclusive and exclusive and has a very definitive purpose of creating something in us. Discover the answer in us this Sunday service.

We look forward to your presence with us in person or online this weekend as we celebrate Jesus, the Light of the World!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Journey To Light The Night

The Christmas season is here and it’s all about light. As the days get shorter, the nights grow longer, people love to decorate by hanging lights everywhere and on everything. It’s most appropriate, as it symbolizes the meaning for the celebration of the season—the birth of Jesus Christ, who declared Himself to be the light of the world.

This Sunday we will launch into a Christmas series of messages entitled The Journey to Light the Night. Join us as we tour through the Bible to discover the lengths to which God used the analogy of light to describe the coming of His Son. Learn how Jesus, the light of the world, dispels the darkness to lead and guide us. Together we will celebrate God’s promise to light the night not only now but for eternity!

We look forward to your presence with us in person or online this weekend as we launch into this Christmas season of celebration!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Greetings, Church!

Let me take this opportunity to quote from the Apostle Paul. "Every time I think of you, I give thanks to God." (Philippians 1:3, NLT)

I truly thank God for PPT and all that God is doing in our midst. I am thankful for our staff, leaders, volunteers and everyone who calls PPT home. We pray the blessing of the Lord on each person connected with our church. We pray that the peace of the Lord that goes beyond our understanding, will flood our lives as we endeavour to live for Him.

Our lead Pastor and his wife are away for some much needed holidays. Therefore, let us keep them in prayer as they disconnect, rest, and come back refreshed.

I will be preaching a message this Sunday titled, Strength For the Journey, where we will examine the life of Elijah. I know this message will be an encouragement to you.

Just a friendly reminder, that you must register to attend our Sunday services and please arrive before 10:30 am so we can properly seat you and your family.

We look forward to connecting with you in person and online this Sunday as we experience His presence in a mighty way.

Many Blessings,

Pastor Wayne Russell
Associate Pastor

Remembering a sufficient sacrifice

This past week, we paused to honour and pay tribute to those who died in the line of duty serving in our armed forces. The purpose is that we would understand the price of freedom. That the memory of those sacrifices that were made would continue. That the values they fought for would live on in all of us. The wearing of a poppy on Remembrance Day is a simple yet powerful symbol of these truths.

This Sunday, we will gather together to remember the greatest truth and sacrifice made on our behalf. The death of Jesus Christ on the cross purchased a monumental gift for us—the salvation of our souls. He suffered incredible physical, emotional, and spiritual agony as He became our sacrifice for sin. The Apostle Paul states:

“I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church, …”
Colossians 1:24 (NKJV)

In this Sunday’s message, A Fulfilling Service, we will explain this scripture and gain a greater understanding of the sufficiency of Christ’s sufferings and sacrifice for us and what role our sufferings play in building of His church.

Just a friendly reminder, that you must register to attend our Sunday services and please arrive before 10:30 am so we can properly seat you and your family. Please note this Sunday is the final deadline to bring your Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. Just deposit them at the table in the lobby when you come to service.

We look forward to your presence with us in person or online this weekend for this service of remembrance.

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor