The Power of Blessing

The Power of Blessing

Have you ever felt the joy that comes from giving?  This Sunday, we invite you to explore the truth behind the saying, “it’s more blessed to give than to receive.” 

In world often focused on accumulating wealth and possessions, Jesus offers a transformative perspective on generosity. Whether you’re a long-time member or visiting for the first time, this message is for you!  Plan to join us to embrace a life of generosity and experience the blessings that come when we give. 

We also invite you to join us for Pastor’s Chat that livestreams on Sundays, 8pm This week’s topic is “Can A Leopard Change It’s Spots?” Can people or do people really change?  Explore the answer with us! 

Why Get Baptized?

Why Get Baptized?

People are taking the next step in their faith journey this weekend.

Water Baptism symbolizes a person’s decision to receive Jesus Christ and their faith commitment to follow Him. In this Sunday’s service we will answer the question, Why Get Baptized? and answer other questions people have about water baptism.

You can expect to hear inspiring stories of life transformation from those being baptized. You will also experience an atmosphere of celebration in our worship service and a sense of community. It’s a great opportunity to make connections with others. We personally invite you to come and experience it all this Sunday and bring a friend!  

We also invite you to join us for Pastor’s Chat that livestreams on Sundays, 8pm This week’s topic is “A Life Worth Living”.  Science is working to prolong life but what makes life profoundly worth living?  Discover the answer with us! 

Chasing After God

Chasing After God

The new school year has begun and everyone is busy once again with many pursuits. Let’s make the pursuit of our relationship with God our top priority.

With that focus, we are inviting everyone to join us for a transformative week of fasting and prayer – a special time dedicated to seeking God and His guidance, wisdom and blessings for our students, educators and families.

Each day of the week, there will be a specific prayer focus with a devotional, Scriptures, prayer points and declarations that you will receive by email. Use them when you pray alone, as a family and when we join together to pray collectively. If you are not yet receiving these and would like to, just click here to register for them … We look forward to sharing this powerful week with you and seeing the incredible ways God will move in our children’s lives this school year!

The Simple Life

The Simple Life

Life is complicated. There seems to be endless tasks with so many details involved in completing things. The urgent demands scream at us and often takes precedence over what is really important. Can we live a more simplified life?

There is a simplicity that is found in Christ and our relationship with him. Learn how to recalibrate your life by focusing on what truly matters and letting go of unnecessary complexities. Join us this Sunday as we explore how embracing a life of simplicity can lead to greater sense of peace and fulfillment as we enter this Fall season. Please note our Youth & Young Adult ministries will resume next week.

Encourage One Another

Encourage One Another

In a world that often feels heavy with challenges and uncertainty, the simple act of encouragement can be a beacon of hope and strength.

Encouragement is more than a kind gesture; it's a powerful tool that builds community, strengthens faith, and transforms lives. Join us this Sunday to deepen your understanding of encouragement and to learn how to be a source of upliftment in the lives of those around you. It will equip you to become a beacon of light, offering hope and strength where it's needed most. We will also be celebrating Communion together to refocus our hearts and find the ultimate source of encouragement – Jesus Christ.

Please note our Ride to Thrive event has been rescheduled to Sat. Sept 14.

Also our Youth &Young Adult ministries are taking a break and will resume and the week of Sept 16.

You're Invited – Will You Come?

You're Invited - Will You Come?

Who doesn’t like to receive a personal invitation to a banquet?

Join us this Sunday as we delve into the Parable of the Wedding Banquet, where Jesus reveals profound truths about God’s invitation into His kingdom. Discover the depth of God’s grace, the significance of being prepared, and the difference between being called and chosen.

Come be a part of this year’s Ride-To-Thrive mission fundraiser in support of church planting efforts in Northern India. We are partnering together to see 500 churches planted in the next two years! It’s a great day of connecting with one another, getting some exercise and participating in a great kingdom cause! Register and start collecting pledges now. There will be prizes for the top three people who collect the most funds.

Everyone needs others to help them grow in their spiritual walk with God. Check out all the LifeGroups being offered this Fall and let’s grow together! We particularly direct your attention to new Alpha class, where you can explore the Christian faith through an open and interactive conversation.

Is God Fair And Generous?


That’s a question everyone wonders about at times. Let’s explore the answer in this Sunday’s worship service.

This is our last call to get involved in blessing the children at the Villages of Hope in Tanzania with new socks and sneakers to start their new school year. You can bring new running shoes (no brand names) with you to church this Sunday and put them in the bin in the lobby or just a make a monetary donation ($60), marking your envelope, ‘Kids Shoes”. Thank for helping these kids with proper footwear.

Plan to walk, ride your bike and even run at this year’s Ride-To-Thrive mission fundraiser in support of church planting efforts in Northern India. We are partnering together to see 500 churches planted in the next two years. Learn more about it this Sunday. Register on-line OR at the Welcome Centre and get then people to make a pledge. There will be prizes for the top three people who receive the most money in pledges so get started today!

Growing in our relationship with God comes through connection and conversation with others. As the Fall season is approaching, we want to encourage you to check out our website for all the Lifegroups being offered and sign-up. Let’s grow together!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Small Starts Can Lead To Great Outcomes

How many things in life start small but then lead to great outcomes?

Whether the conception of a child, planting a seed in the ground or starting a business, most things in life begin small, then begin to grow and the final ending can be astounding! Learn how this principle applies to your life and the kingdom of God this Sunday! You will also hear some more great kingdom assignment testimonies! We will also be anointing and praying for all the students going to college or university this fall.

As Fall approaches, plan to walk, run or ride together with us to raise funds for missions at this year’s annual Ride-To Thrive event. It’s a great time of getting some physical exercise, enjoying the company of others and wrapping up with a great outdoor BBQ all for the cause of missions! Just register on-line or at the Welcome Centre and pick-up your pledge sheets. There will be prizes for the top 3 people who receive the most money in pledges so start today!

It is with sadness that we share the news of the passing of Michelle Padmanahban. We offer our deepest condolences to Anand Padmanahban, daughters Aaliyah and Aaryelle and to their extended family. Further details regarding funeral arrangements will be forthcoming once arrangements have been made. Please pray they will experience God’s comfort and strength in this season of loss.

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

What's Your Priceless Treasure?

What do you value more than anything else in you life? What price are you willing to pay to obtain it? Whatever it is, will you seek after it with all your heart? You know the joy of obtaining will be worth it all. This Sunday, discover the priceless treasure that God has to offer. Hear more kingdom assignment stories. Come and celebrate communion with us too!

We are collecting brand-new kid’s sneakers (no name brands please) for children in Tanzania. Please sign-up at the Welcome Centre to choose a kid’s shoe size. When you bring them, put them in the collection barrel in the lobby. If you prefer, you can just make a donation ($60). Thank you for helping us clothing these kids for their new school year that starts in January 2025.

On your mark … get set … go! In the spirit of the current Olympic Games, we are getting ready for our upcoming Ride-To-Thrive Missions Event. Join us walking, riding your bike or even running to raising funds for church-planting in India. If you plan to participate, please register at the Welcome Center this Sunday and pick-up your sponsorship sheets! Let’s go team PPT!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Understanding the Balance of Good and Evil

Weeds. Just the mention of them name stirs up thoughts of a lot of hard work sorting them out from your good plants. How careful you have to be when you are pulling them out so that you don’t disturb the good plants and about discarding them appropriately.

Jesus used an analogy about wheat and weeds to teach an important truth about the kingdom of God. Join us this Sunday as we seek to understand the balance of good and evil in this present world, how God is going to sort it all out and why we need to wait patiently until that day.

We continue throughout the summer to tell the results of people who took a $100 and invested in a kingdom project.  Come this Sunday and hear more stories of what God has done through people who had eyes to see a need, ears to hear God’s promptings and a heart to do something about it. Their stories will bless your heart as you and inspire you to become a kingdom-builder too.  Worship with us this weekend and be sure to bring a friend with you!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Secrets of the Kingdom

What is the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven?  Jesus told a number of stories to try and explain how we see it, know it and enter it. Heaven is where ‘The King’ reigns from, but His kingdom describes where His people live.  It’s here and now – not somewhere that we go after we die.  Join us this Sunday, as we discover the secrets of the kingdom of God as they are revealed by Jesus in His kingdom parables.

More people will be sharing their incredible kingdom assignment stories and pictures this Sunday. It is truly amazing what God has done and its still ongoing! Come and celebrate with us this Sunday. 

Also bring your lawn chairs and plan to stay after service to enjoy a great outdoor BBQ and chance to visit with one another. Donations of cases of water or soda would be appreciation … just bring it with you to service on Sunday and leave it in Classroom Room D. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Order of God

We serve an amazing God who has set boundaries for us to live by. Sometimes so many think God has set these rules to spoil our fun. However, nothing can be further from the truth. The real truth is that God loves us so much that He has placed boundaries and order in the world so that we can function at our utmost. Sadly, our world today mocks and tramples on the structures that God has established.

This Sunday come and be blessed by a thought provoking message titled "The Order of God." You will be challenged, encouraged and inspired as we dive into God's word. 

We look forward to seeing you as we experience the presence of the Lord, share communion and break His word together.

Many Blessings, 

Pastor Wayne Russell
Associate Pastor

Think for a moment about the challenges you've faced, the trials that have tested your faith, and the moments when you felt overwhelmed by life's circumstances.

During these struggles, have you ever wondered if there is any purpose or meaning behind them? Are they just random events, or is there something greater at work?

In these moments of questioning and doubt, Romans 8:28 shines like a beacon of hope. It reminds us that God is not distant or indifferent to our suffering. Instead, He is intimately involved in every aspect of our lives, working everything together for our ultimate good.

Come on Sunday and hear a message about God working for our good. It will provide encouragement and hope to each one of us. We will discover that God is in control, even when life seems chaotic, and that He is working all things together for our good.

In Christ,

Pastor Charles Lawrence
Visitation Pastor

Faith that Shapes a Nation

Canada Day holds a special place in the hearts of Canadians as we celebrate the birth of our nation and commemorate the rich history, diverse cultures and shared values of the Canadian people.

Nations hold a place of significance in the plan and purposes of God.

From the beginning, God’s plan of salvation has always involved a massive global strategy. And the diversity of languages, cultures and ethnic peoples will also endure throughout eternity.

One of the last descriptions of the heavenly city, the New Jerusalem is, “And all the nations will bring their glory and honor into the city.” (Revelation 21:26).

Learn how the fabric of a nation is shaped by its people in this Sunday’s service. Hear how God desires to bless a nation and what that blessing requires of us.

Join us as we worship, pray and celebrate God and Canada Day this weekend!

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Dealing with Distractions

Life is filled with them. There will not be a day in your life when you don’t face them. There are three major ones that you will constantly face that seek to lure you away and pull you in so many directions in your life. 

Learning to deal with distractions is a major issue when you are living in the kingdom of God. Learn how in this Sunday’s message. Please also note this Sunday is Missions Sunday, so please plan to bring an offering to support our missionary endeavours around the world which are reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We look forward to your presence with us! 

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

The Father's Love

We live in a world today where there is so much hate, animosity, and division. Sometimes, as the church, we find ourselves employing the same tactics as the world to try to bring our message across. Using guilt, shame, and fear to win people to Christ only adds more pain to those who are already struggling with sin. But the Lord has given us a better way to spread His message – it is through love! This coming Father's Day, we invite you to hear a thought-provoking and uplifting message called "THE FATHER'S LOVE."

Come and enjoy the presence of the Lord together as we worship and hear His Word. We look forward to seeing you in the house of the Lord.

Pastor Wayne Russell
Associate Pastor

This Victorious Kingdom

What is your definition of victory? What does it mean to be victorious in life?

As we come to celebrate Communion this weekend, we invite you to discover what true victory looks like in the kingdom of God.

We continue to pray for all those who are currently using the talents ($100) and seeking to multiply them to bless a person or family in need. The latest updates are incredibly exciting regarding what is happening! We are looking forward to hearing these testimonies for these Kingdom Assignments throughout the summer months on Sundays.

We offer our deepest condolences to Theresa Yamoah and Kenneth Okine on the recent passing of their daughter, Mabel Baaba Okine. Please note her funeral arrangements in the following link. Let’s continue to pray that God will comfort and strengthen this family as they grieve her passing. 

Nothing speaks of summer more than a great outdoor BBQ! So be sure to mark your calendars and save the date for Sunday, July 28. Plan to join us after the morning service for a great time of visiting and enjoying a meal together!

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Come Celebrate Our Grads

God has a plan and purpose for your life. With that plan comes certain gifts and a specific calling to fulfill it. David said, “I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.” (Psalm 57:2)

At this Friday’s Extended Prayer & Anointing Service, we will be anointing and praying for everyone who wants to know their purpose and fulfill their calling and destiny. Be sure to join us and invite someone else to come and experience God’s presence in prayer.

In our Sunday morning service, we will be paying special tribute to all our graduating students and also speak into everyone’s life with the message, ‘God Will Fulfill His Purpose For Me’. Invite family and friends to this special day!

The Kingdom Assignment continues to gain momentum! Participants are currently undertaking incredible projects destined to impact people for the kingdom of God. Please pray for them!

We offer our condolences to several families who have lost loved ones: to Lynette Penny and her family on the passing of her husband, and to Edith Hernandez and her family on the loss of her brother and their foster child. Please keep these families in prayer during this season of bereavement.

Every Blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Kingdom Power & Your Kids

Welcome to Victoria Day holiday weekend and the unofficial start to summer!
We will be celebrating this the dedication a number of children on what is also knows as Pentecost Sunday!  As we commemorate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit this Sunday, we are claiming God’s promise to pour out His Spirit upon our sons and daughters and in doing so continue to advance the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

‘The Kingdom Assignment’ is well underway and can get involved.  People are working on investing their $100 to multiply it and help people in a tangible with the goal of reaching them for the kingdom of God. Everyone is welcome to get involved by partnering with one of these fifty individuals and projects. 

The deadline is quickly approaching to submit your application to work as one of our summer intern students. You will be working with Pastor Kim in our Summer Kids Camp and with Pastor Robby doing a basketball outreach event.  Applications forms are available on our church website and please note the deadline of Sunday, May 26.

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor

Hear the Children Sing!

Watoto Children’s Choir this Sunday!  At the heart of this choir is a message of God’s unfailing love.  When you see and hear the children from Uganda, with their hearts healed and their dreams restored, you can’t help but realize that this same God cares for you, too.

Our epic ‘Kingdom Assignment’ adventure is getting very exciting!
Participants have been given $100 to invest for the kingdom of God by helping people they want to reach or causes they want to support.  Everyone is welcome to get involved by partnering one of the participants so together we impact people’s lives for the kingdom of God.

SUMMER STUDENT INTERNS … We will be hiring five students this summer to work here in ministry at PPT.  Applications forms are available on our church website and please note you must be Plan-to-Protect certified to qualify.

‘JESUS ALWAYS DELIVERS’ - Pastor’s Chat – Sun, 8pm … Learn about how to call on Jesus for help and what it means to trust Him to deliver you.

DEEPEST CONDOLENCES TO REV. KEN BOMBAY … We recently learned of the passing of Joan Bombay, who was the wife of one our interim pastors.  We would like to encourage those who sat under their ministry, to send a sympathy card as an expression of our love and support for him at this time.  His mailing address is …
Rev. Ken Bombay, 27 Sympatica Crescent, Brantford ON N3P 1P6

Every blessing,

Pastor Barry Risto
Lead Pastor